NEWS: Excerpts from THE NEW ERA 1920 *********************************************************************** Taken from THE NEW ERA of Albany, Clinton County, KY dated 25 November 1920. Typed as published and submitted by Laura Frost Wright on 10 Aug 2000 *********************************************************************** PERSONAL , LOCALS Mr. ALVA C. TOMLINS of Hobart who served in the marines during the late war, is stationed at Louisville where he is taking additional training. Mrs. THORNHILL, who has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. J.C. CARNEY and Mrs. J. GARRETT at Monticello has returned home. Messr's ROBERT HIGGINBOTHAM and O.B. CONNOR returned from Louisville one day last week where they had been spending a few days. Mr. L.C. SMITH of Monticello was here one day last week. Miss VINNIE GIBSON , was visiting her parents at highway last Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. BLAINE CAMPBELL of near town, one day last week, a fine boy. Mrs. S.F. STEPHENSON, was the guest of Mrs. C.A. HURT at Somerset last week. Mr. ROBERT M. BALLENGER, who has been at St. LOUIS, Mo for several months has returned home. Mr. SHELBY SMITH and Miss MONTIE SMITH entertained a number of friends at their home in North Albany last Saturday night. Mr. C.A. HURT, who received injuries when an elevator fell with him at Somerset recently is still in the hospital in a serious condition. Mr. GRANVILLE SMITH has moved to his property purchased from Dr. RYAN, and Mr. W. M. WATKINS has moved to the property vacated by Mr. SMITH. Judge ROLAND HURT, of this district, a native of Columbia, becomes by senority Chief Justice of the court of Appeals, January 1, 1921, when Judge JOHN D. CARROLL retires. Mrs. LISLE STOKES, is very sick with thyphoid fever at her home, in Wayne county and her mother Mrs. K.E. HUDDLESTON of near town is at her bedside. Mr. JOHN C. SMITH, has sold an interest in his grocery store to Messrs. JOHN BOOHER and WILL SMITH, and we understand they will enlarge the stock and also carry a line of general merchandise. NEWS OF BROWNS X ROADS Health of this place is very good except Mrs. JACK THRASHER who is very sick at this writing. OTHER CARTER, died Tuesday of last week, after a long spell of sickness. He was laid to rest in the Five Springs cemetery Wednesday. Mr. BILL DUVALL of Kansas is visiting his brother Mr. J.S. DUVALL at this place. Dr. J.A. SLOANE and wife, were visitng at J. E. PICKENS Sunday afternoon. Mr. GRALTON PHILLIPS of Lillydale, Tenn. and Misses LORENE and CHRISTELL PICKENS and ADA and MINNIE DUVALL, RUBY CRAFT, NELL and EVELYN TUGGLE and Mr. ROBERT TUGGLE were visiting Mr. and Mrs. BILL DUVALL last Sunday and took supper there Sunday evening, and all had a delightful time. Misses GRACE and ROSE SAWYERS were visiting at Miss WILLIE SAWYER'S Saturday and Sunday. NEWS OF SNOW Well, as I have been absent for some time will try to give the news of this place. Mrs. NINA BROWN, who has been sick for some time is no better. Mrs. MARTHA AARON is reported to be getting better. Mrs. PARTRENA STATON is no better at this time. Mr. FLOYD THRASHER is preparing to move to Huntersville. We are very sorry to see them go, as they are awfully good people. There were a number of young people of this place attended meeting at fairview, Sunday afternoon. Mr. OTHA NEATHERY, delivered the sermon. Mrs. WILLIAM WELLS, was visiting her daughter Mrs. MATTIE OLIVER a few days last week. Mrs. D. OWENS, who has been visiting her daughter and other relatives and friends has returned to her home at Hoopston, Ill Mrs. CATHERINE CARLTON, who lives near Ida, is very sick at this writing. Miss PEARL AARON, was visiting Mrs. ETHEL GUFFEY, last Saturday night OTIS AVERY who has been sick for some time is better. Messrs TOM AVERY and J. W. STATON were visiting Mr. W.I. PENNYCUFF, Sunday morning. Little Miss HILDA SMITH, of isa who has been sick is improving. Hello! Miss ETTER BUCK, wake me up and give us the news from Tenn. I was very sorry to hear of our good friend Mrs. OLIVER TUGGLE of Conway, Kansas getting her arm broke. Well I'll ring off for this time--PEARL PENNYCUFF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of taxes due me as sheriff of Clinton county, Ky for the year 1919, I, or one of my deputies, will on Saturday December 4, 1920 between the hours of 1 o'clock and 4 o'clock P.M. at the north court house door in the town of Albany, Ky at public sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following property to satisfy the amount of taxes due as aforesaid, and costs to-wit 1 red cow---years of age This cow is levied upon for the taxes of BRADLEY BYERS due and owing by him for the year 1919. The said BRADLEY BYERS having sold his cow, and the same being owned and in the posession of FOUNT JENNINGS at the time of levy, but the lien of the State of Kentucky and Clinton county having attached prior to the sale of said cow by the said BYERS Taxes $45.29, Penalty $2.73, Interest &2.50, Commission, $3.03 Cost, $8.00 Total $61.65 J.H. CUMMING, Sheriff FROM CUMBERLAND COUNTY CEDAR CREEK, Nov. 15--After a few week's silence we wish to send a few items of news to your paper. Corn gathering and wood cutting is the order of the day. Whooping cough and mumps are still raging in our community. Mr. TRAVIS BOW'S little girl, JEWELL, is thought to have pneumonia. Mr. JOHN GLIDEWELL'S children are very poorly at this writing. Uncle PATTON GOSSETT has been suffering awful pains caused by something like blood poison in his eyes. Mr. WILLIAM DAVIDSON has been very low with malaria fever but is improving now. Mrs. LEN GARNER has been away several days waiting on her mother Mrs. SEWELL who has pneumonia. Mrs. SHELA BYBEE came home last Sunday from Bakerton, where she had been visiting her mother Mrs. BAKER for several weeks. Mr. DAVE COX, a soldier boy who has been stationed at New York is in on furlough, visiting his father Mr. BOWLES COX at this place. Mrs. EVA RUSH visited her sister Mrs. BESSIE TUGGLE of Bear creek, one day last week. Mr. WILL BOOHER was visiting at Mr. JIM APPLEBY'S yesterday. We can still hear the jingle of wedding bells. Mr. LUTHER BOWIN of Bear Creek and Miss GERTIE MAY CRAWLEY of this place were married Saturday. NEWS OF MARLOW Nov. 17--Everybody is busy gathering corn and sowing wheat, and getting ready for the cold winter days. Health of this part is good except for a few cases of whooping cough Mr. BILL MARLOW is improving Mr. ROSCO PENNYCUFF visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. M.B. PENNYCUFF a few days last week. Deputy Sheriff ODELL CUMMING was in this part Thursday and friday collecting taxes. Mr. CYRUS YORK and family, visited the writer Sunday. Messrs. HOGARD and AARON YORK, were at Marlow Sunday. Mrs. LETHA BROWN visited her sister Mrs. ANN YORK a few days last week. WOODRUM Bros. sold a farm to MARSH McGUIRE recently. DAVE KING Coffins and caskets at W.L. PERKINS OIL NEWS Mr. H.J. SHREIRICH of Louisville, President of the Fidelity Oil Co and others, are here this week to secure territory in this county. Mr. S.D. CRUSE of Louisville was here recently and purchased shares in the Beech Bottom Oil & Gas Co. and invested in some promising acreage. Mr. FRANK RUSSELL, of Louisville, and associates were here last week looking over the prospects, and they bought some promising territory in the Beech Bottom community. The White Oil Corporation, is down about 1400 feet on their well on the BEATY lease. They were closed down several days recently on account of a strong flow of gas, which was struck at about 1300 feet. This well will be drilled in, in the next few weeks, and indications are good for a big strike. NEWS OF UPCHURCH Nov. 21--As I have been silent for some time, thought I would give the news from this place. Mrs. LILLIE BUSTER, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VALLY COOKSEY, of this place, for a few days. Mrs. MARGARET COOKSEY and daughter MARY were visiting her mother-in- law Sunday. Mr. RYNE BUTLER'S child has been on the sick list for the past few days. The writer was visiting Mrs. ELLA BROWN Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. V.G. BROWN, and children were visiting the home of the writer Sunday. Miss MILLET FERGUSON was visiting the writer Sunday, Miss MINNIE PERDUE was visiting the writr a few days ago. I will close as news is scarce. *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ***********************************************************************