Elliott County=s Union Civil War Veterans in 1890 By John A. Stegall < johnstegall@hotmail.com One installment in a series of articles Mr. John A. Stegall prepares and publishes in The Elliott County News, this article being a continuation from Aug 8, 1997 and first appearing in the Sept 5, 1997 edition of said paper. Transcribed with permission from the author by Samone Ratcliff on Mar 23, 2000. Caleb Osborn: Pvt., Co., G, 13th Tenn., Cav. In 1890, Caleb Osborn stated that he entered military service on Sept 21, 1863 and was released on Sept 5, 1865. He indicated that he suffered from ADisease of the feet as a result of frostbite@. His post office was Backbone of Elliott County. The only other record I can find that mentions Caleb Osborn is the 1890 Elliott Co Tax Assessments. He was listed as a resident of the Little fork Precinct, but owned no land. The total value of his property was $236. He did not name a nearest neighbor, and did not indicate that there were children between the ages of 6 and 20 years in his household. I am unable to get any trace whatsoever on this Caleb Osborn; however there was a Caleb Osborn in NC, and it is know that some of his descendants came to what is now Elliott Co. I am assuming that Caleb, the veteran, might have been one of those descendants, and may have been named after the elder Caleb. Jesse Osborn: Pvt., Co., I, 1st., Ark., Regt. He stated that he entered the military on Dec 8, 1861 and served two years. His post office was Isonville. The 1900 Elliott Co census names a Jesse Osburn as a resident in the home of john H. hay in the Newcomb Precinct. He stated that he was 62 years of age, having been born in Oct of 1837 in KY. Other information in the 1900 census report indicated that Jesse was a widower, and an AInmate@, along with 5 other people. I suspect that he might have been living in a home for the destitute or homeless. In 1910, Jesse Osburn, age 72, a widower and blind, was living in the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Isaac and Alice Smith. He indicated that he was born in KY, therefore, I am wondering how he came to serve in the military in Ark. I have no date of death for Jesse Osburn, neither do I know where he is buried. Matison Parrish: This veteran died July 4, 1873; however, his widow, Elizabeth Parish, was living in 1890, and provided information regarding his military service. She stated that he was a Pvt., in co., F, of the 24th., Ky., Inf. His service began in Oct 1861 and ended sometime in 1863. The only health problem Elizabeth mentioned for her husband was ABackset on the measles resulted in fever@. Her post office was Jacobs. In the 1880 census, Elizabeth Parish stated that she was 59 years of age, and a widow. She also stated that she was born in TN. There were three children and a grandchild living in her home: John, age 16; Amanda S., 14; Martha Smith, 18; and Martha=s daughter, Mary E., age 1 year. According to information taken from Elizabeth Parish=s gravestone in the Clay Cemetery, she was born May 5, 1822 and died June 12, 1896. Matt Parish was born Jan 10, 1825. He, too, is buried in the Clay Cemetery. John Parsons: Pvt., Co., D, 5th., Ky., Inf. In 1890, this veteran stated that he entered military service in Oct 1861 and was released in Sept 1862. He stated that he was AShot through the left arm@, and his post office was AIbex@. Carter Co, KY marriage records show that a John Parson and Hannah Ann Whitt were married in that county on May 22, 1851. This is supported by an entry in a book about the Cox family and their allied families that verifies the date of the marriage. This latter source indicates that hannah was born in 1833 in Lee Co, VA. Checking back through the early tax records for Lee Co, I find William and Samuel Parsons living in that county as early as 1815. It seems likely that John Parson(s) was a descendent of at least one of them. The 1850 Carter Co, KY census indicates that a John parson, age 25, and a farmer born in VA was living in that county. Also in his household were: Elizabeth Parson, age 49, and born in Georgia; most likely his mother; Elizabeth Parsons, age 16, and born in VA; Ormelda parsons, 11, also born in VA; and John T. Parsons, 2, born in KY. If this John, the veteran, the birth date given as 1833 would seem to be inconsistent. I am unable to find John Parsons in the 1870 Elliott Co census; however, he is named in the 1880 census for that county. In the latter report he stated that he was 57 years of age and was born in VA; Hannah was 50 years old, and stated that she, too, was born in VA. Children still at home with them in 1880 were: Clerinda, 23; Robert H., 20; Malissa, 17; John H., 15; Huston S., 12; and Phebe L., 9. The Elliott Co tax records for 1890 indicate that John L. Parson was a resident of the Moccasin Precinct, and that he was the owner of 40 acres of land. His nearest neighbor was Richard Parson, who may have been John=s oldest son, William Richa, who was born Apr 12, 1852. John Parson, was apparently deceased by 1900, when Hannah was found living in the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Feeby and Jeptha Debord. Hannah indicated that she was born in Apr of 1830, and was 70 years of age in 1900. She also stated that she was the mother of nine children, 4 of them being deceased in 1900. I have previously alluded to the fact that I am unaware of the date of John Parson=s death, neither do I know where he is buried. I had suspected that he was buried in the Old Whitt Cemetery on the Mobley farm just across Gimlet in Carter Co, however, I do not find him named in the records I have for that cemetery. There are many unidentified graves there, and one of them could be John=s. Whitt family researchers name the following children for John and Hannah Ann Whitt Parsons: William Richa, born Apr 12, 1852; Sarah, born Aug 12, 1854; Clarinda, born Dec 15, 1856; Robert H., born Oct 18, 1859; Malissa, born in 1863; John H., born Jan 6, 1866; Huston, born in 1871; Phebe, born in 1871; and Araminta, born 1873. Robert T. Parsons: Pvt., Co., D, 40th., Ky., Inf. His military service began Nov 24, 1863 and continued to Dec 30, 1864, for a period of one year, one month, and six days. He indicated in 1890 that he suffered from rheumatism and that his post office was Sandy Hook. Referring back to records of the Whitt family researchers, I find that Robert Taylor Parsons was born Nov 20, 1847 ALittle Sandy, Carter Co, Ky@, a son of Thomas and Clarinda AChloe@ Oney Parsons. On Sept 20, 1866, Robert T. Parsons and Emily A. Whitt were married in Carter Co, KY. Emily was born in 1844, and was a daughter of Abijah ABigie@ and Nancy Boggs Whitt, natives of VA. The first record in which I find Robert T. Parsons mentioned by name is the 1850 Carter Co, KY census. At that time, he was 2 years of age, and living in the home of his parents. Also named in this census was Robert=s older brothers, James P., age 5, and Squire, age 3. When the first census was taken in Elliott Co in 1870, Robert Parsons was 22 years of age, and Emily was 25. At that time, they had 2 children; Alvira, age 2 years, and James, age 4 months. In 1880, Robert and Emma (Emily) Parsons were residents of Precinct #6, Newfoundland, in Elliott Co. Robert indicated that he was 33 years of age, which was consistent with previously-given ages. He indicated that his occupation was APreacher@. Emma (undoubtedly a misspelling, perhaps by the census taker) was 35 years of age. They had five children: Elvira, 12; James T., 10; Edward B., 7; Lurenda J., 5; and Charles E., 1 year. Robert T. Parsons is named in the 1890 Elliott Co tax records as a resident of the Martinsburg Precinct. If he owned land, it was not indicated in the tax records. When the 1900 Elliott Co census was taken, Robert T. Parsons was a lawyer in Sandy Hook. He was 52 years of age, and Emily was 54. They indicated that they had been married 33 years and had 8 children. Roscoe, age 12 years, was the only child still at home. Lottie and Ida Stephens, ages 13 and 11, were named as boarders in the Parsons home. Again, in 1910, we find Robert and Emily Parsons residing in ASandy Hook Village@. He was 62 years of age; Emily was 65, and again listed as Emma. They indicated that one of their 8 children was deceased. One child, Roscoe, age 22 years, was at home with them. Sometime after 1910, Robert T. Parsons moved to Greenup Co where he served as County Judge from 1926 to 1930. I have no date of death for Robert T. Parsons, however, he is buried in the Old Town Cemetery in Sandy Hook. Emily died Feb 26, 1916 and is also buried in this cemetery. Robert and Emily Parsons had a son, William H., killed in World War I. I wrote an article about him a few years back. Finished USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. 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