Elliott's Civil War Vets in 1890, Dobbins - Fraley Submitted by John A. Stegall < johnstegall@hotmail.com Transcribed with permission by Samone Ratcliff on May 23, 2001 First published in The Elliott County News, Friday, May 31, 1996, a continuation from May 10, 1996 USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. Today, I shall begin this particular series of articles with another veteran from the Little Fork section of Elliott County: Miles J. Dobbins: Sgt., Co., A, 14th Ky., Inf. In 1890, he stated that his military service began on July 27, 1863 and ended Sept. 15, 1865. He mentioned no military-related injuries or current illnesses, but did say his address was "Backbone of Elliott County". Obviously, Miles Dobbins was a resident of Elliott Co when the 1890 census was taken; however, I do not find him named in any other census report, either before or after 1890. It would seem reasonable to assume that he resided in Lawrence Co in 1860, but he is not named in that report. I find no record that mentions him other that the 1890 military census. Robert Elliott: Pvt., Co., C, 40th Ky., Inf. Information he gave in 1890 indicates that he entered the war on July 3, 1863 and was discharged Dec 30, 1864. His address was Little Sandy. I find only one Robert Elliott in the Census records, and he is listed as the son of Jackson and Elizabeth Craig Elliott, who were married in Morgan Co, KY on July 19, 1839. In the 1850 Morgan Co census, Robert Elliott, the veteran, is listed as William, age 8 and born in KY. In the 1860 Morgan census, he is listed as Robert, age 19, which is consistent with the age given in 1850. I do not find Robert (or William) named in the Elliott Co census reports for 1870 or 1880. A Robert Elliott, age 25, is named in the 1870 census; however, I am inclined to believe it is not the veteran. But if it is the same Robert, his wife was Martha (Mullins?), age 21, with no children named in the report. It appears that it is the later Robert Elliott Who is named in the 1900 Elliott Co census. He stated that he was born in Sept of 1843, making him 56 years of age. His wife, Martha A., was 54, born in Jan 1846. They stated that they had been married 34 years and were the parents of 10 children, 5 of which were deceased. Only one child, Della, age 14, was at home with them in 1900, and a grandson, William H. Lewis, age 1 age in their home. Obviously, Robert Elliott, the veteran, was living in Elliott Co when the 1890 census was taken. He is also named in the 1890 tax assessments for that county; however, since he was not listed as a property owner, but merely as a "Taxpayer", he apparently did not own a farm. Since no nearest neighbor was named, it may be that tax information relative to Robert Elliott was simply not available. I find no further information on Robert Elliott, the veteran. John H. Ellis: Pvt., Co., C, 9th Ky., Cav. He stated in 1890 that his service in the Union Army began on Aug 11, 1862 and ended Sept 11, 1863. He also stated that he was "Wounded on the head with a saber", and that his address was "Limestone". He was a resident of the Moccasin Precinct. I do not find any mention of John Ellis in any of my records prior to the 1890 census. Other than this census, he is named in the 1890 Elliott Co tax assessments. The grand value of his property was $13 with no mention of acreage he may have owned. No nearest resident was named. When the 1900 Elliott Co census was taken, John Ellis was again listed as a resident of the northern part of Elliott Co, but in the Sinking Precinct, which had probably been established after the 1890 census. In the 1900 census, John Ellis stated that he was 59 years of age, having been born in "KY" in Mar of 1841. His wife, Sarah E., was 55, and stated that she was born in June 1844. They said that they had been married 28 years, but had no children. In 1910, John Ellis was still living in the Sinking Precinct. He said he was 69 years of age, which was consistent with the age as given in 1900. Sarah E., stated that she was 65, also a consistent age. John stated that his father was born in "Ind.", but in 1900 he had indicated that his father was born in Virginia. I have no additional information on John and Sarah Ellis, therefore, I cannot say where they continued to live until their deaths. Jonas Fields: Pvt., Co., I, 45th Ky., Inf. In 1890, he stated that he entered the military on Mar 10, 1864 and served for one year. His address in 1890 was Sandy Hook. The 1850 Morgan Co census does not name anyone by the Fields name as a resident of that county; however, the 1860 census for Morgan lists a Jonas Fields, age 40, and born in VA. His wife was Agnes, 34, and also born in VA. Their children named in this census were: Jonas, 15; John J., 13; William P., 10; Elizabeth, 8; Nancy, 7; Nelson, 6; Henderson V., 4; and Mary J., 9 months. Jonas and John J., were born in VA; the rest of the children were listed as having been born in KY. I am assuming that is was the son Jonas who was the Civil War veteran. Jonas, Sr., is not in the 1870 Elliott Co census, and was deceased by late 1865. Indeed, a Morgan Co record indicates that Jonas Fields was deceased by Sept 4, 1865 when Josiah Havens and Agnes Fields qualified as administrators of his estate. I have heard that a Jonas Fields was killed in a Civil War skirmish somewhere near Crackers Neck (Newfoundland). If indeed this is true, I believe it would have been the elder Jonas. I have also heard that he was buried in a cemetery on the ridge between the Roe Flats road and Route 32. His grave was supposedly marked only by field rocks as were all the other graves in that cemetery. There is probably no visible trace of this cemetery today. Where the 1870 Elliott Co census was taken, Agness Fields and seven children were named. John and William were named as heads of households; however, Jonas (Jr.) Was not named. In 1880, Jonas Fields, age 35, and born in Va, was found living in Precinct #1, Martinsburg; however, it appears likely that his residence was in, or near, Newfoundland. His wife, Helen F., was 30 years of age, and, like her husband, was born in VA. Children named in this report: Ralph, 11; Luadia, 8: Clifford, 3; and Mary, 2. The 1890 Elliott Co tax assessments Roll lists Jonas Fields as owning 150 acres of land in the Martinsburg Precinct. The total value of his property was $975, and A. Duvall was listed as his nearest neighbor. When the censustaker called on June 18, 1900, Jonas Fields stated that he was 55 years of age, having been born in VA in 1844. Helen was 49 years of age, born in 1851, also in VA. They had been married 35 years and had 6 children living and 2 deceased. Two children were at home with Jonas and Helen in 1900; Vesta, age 15, and Clyde, 13. An Elliott Co birth record dated June 27, 1876 for Clifford H. Fields indicates that he was a son of Jonas and Helen F. Hatton Fields. The mother had stated that she was born in Wayne Co, VA. Jonas indicated that he was born in Russell Co, VA, but another birth record shows him as having been born in Scott Co, VA. Jonas Fields may have been related to the Fields family that settled in the Little Fork area; however, I am not aware of such kinship.