The Will of C. M. Click Submitted by Samone Ratcliff < on June 4, 2001 USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. In The Matter of the Estate of C. M. Click, Deceased Order This day came L. N. Click and produced the purported copy of the Last Will and Testament of C. M. Click, deceased, and it appearing to the Court that the said C. M. Click owned certain land located in Elliott County, KY, and it appearing from the oral testimony of L. N. Click, Maude Click and Pauline Click Redwine that the instrument offered in probate as a copy of the Last Will and Testament of C. M. Click is a true copy of same, and upon examination by the Court and found to be in proper form and order, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Kentucky, as made as and provided and applicable thereto it is now ordered and decreed that the said copy of th Last Will and Testament of C. M. Click so offered for probate is so adjudged, admitted to probate and ordered recorded upon the records of Wills of this Court, as follows: I, Chas. M. Click, being of sound mind, knowing the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life, do make this my last Will and Testament: I give to my three grandchildren, Thelma Click Duvall, Lonnie Milton Click and Pauline Click, all of my real estate I own at my death, but my wife, Genoa Click, is to have a widow's dower of $1,000.00 in my real estate during her natural life, or so long as she remains my widow, and at my widow's death or if she remarries the life dower of real estate laid off to her I gave to Lonnie Milton Click, and he is to pay Thelma C. Duvall and Pauline Click $200.00 each. I give to Lonnie M. Click all of my blacksmith tools, but my Widow, Genoa Click, is to have the right to do her shop work with them. Oscar Click owes me some notes of $100.00 each. One of these notes of $100.00 and interest I want used to repair my dwelling house, and one of these notes of $100.00 and interest I want a monument bought for myself and my deceased son, Ralph Click. This October 17, 1938. s/ C. M. Click Attesting witnesses: s/ Harve Nealis s/ Elmer Horton It further appearing from the oral testimony that, by an order of the Elliott Circuit Court dated March 5, 1940, Hon. R. C. Littleton, Judge, the following described tract f land was laid off to Genoa Click as her widow's dower, and at her death it passed to L. M. Click under the said Will. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Elliott County, Kentucky, on the waters of South Ruin Creek, a tributary of Little Sandy River, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING on South Ruin Creek at the mouth of the second hollow below Oscar Click's line: thence north forty-four feet to South Ruin Road: thence ten degrees south of east Four hundred, ninety-five feet to beginning of Carl Redwine's and Pauline Redwine's line; thence twelve degrees east of north four hundred, fifty-one feet with said Redwine's line; thence ten degrees south of east four hundred, thirteen feet running with said L. M. click' line to Maude Click's line on the east; thence ten degrees east of south with Maude Click's line seven hundred, one feet to South Ruin Creek; thence up south Ruin Creek to the beginning containing ten acres, more of less. The Court takes Judicial Notice of the fact that the Elliott county Courthouse did burn on or about Dec 19, 1957, and that the record of Wills was this destroyed, and the Clerk of this Court is directed to record a copy of this Order upon the records of Wills so that the chain of title of L. M. click to the property herein described may be perfected. This 29th day of march, 1958. s/ David L. Davis Judge, Elliott County Court State of Kentucky) Sct. County of Elliott ) I, Estill Hutchinson, County Court Clerk in and for the County and State aforesaid, certify that the foregoing writing having been presented to the Elliott County Court as a copy of the Last Will and Testament of C. M. Click and the Court....... **** The rest of the document copy is missing - Samone ****