News of 1936 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributed to the Estill Co., KY Archives by: Jen Bawden Published in the ECHGS newsletter & used here with their permission Date: 06/01/1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/03/1936 A thirteen-point legislative program, including immediate repeal of the sales tax, passage of a compulsory single primary election statute, enactment of a statewide registration law, reduction of the gasoline tax, maintenance of county roads by the state and a slash in the state tax on real estate was outlined by Gov. A.B. Chandler in his first message of the 1936 General Assembly 01/17/1936 Kentucky's three per cent sales tax law was wiped from the statute books when a bill repealing the measure was signed by Gov. A.B. Chandler. 01/31/1936 The first liquor dispensary under the new law is being opened in Ravenna. It is located in the building next to Cruse's Restaurant formerly occupied by Edd Hester Barber Shop. The proprietor is George West. 02/14/1936 Approximately one-fifth of the total number of pupils attending Irvine High come from ten family names. Fifteen answer to the name of Cox and fourteen are Witts. Eight Stevens and eight Watsons lead the seven Jones, Smiths and Tiptons. Six Tuttles, five McIntoshs and five Winklers bring up the rear. 03/07/1936 The Ravenna Board of Education met and elected the following teachers for the year: Fleming Griffith, Supt, Mrs. Louise Gibson, Mrs. Laura Tuttle, Misses Audrey Renfro, Mary Maupin, Helen Smock, Opal Birchfield and Jim Cochran. Superintendent R.F. Flege and R.M. Van Horn, principal of Irvine High School, were re=elected for the coming year. 03/19/1936 Charles Dozier and Judge O.W. Witt have opened a seed store on Railroad Street in the building formerly occupied by Norton Ice Cream Company. 04/09/1936 The Estill fiscal court held its monthly meeting with Judge W.M. Noland presiding and Magistrates Finley Farmer, John McIntosh, Alex Worrell, Charles Wells, Reuben Tipton and James Gabbard present. 04/23/1936 At an inspection of Company H at the Ravenna Armory, Lee Hawkins won high honors as a sergeant, Kenneth Johnstone won first honors, Earl Broaddus, second honors and Howard Mackey third honors as privates. 05/21/1936 Thomas Plowman, 92 year old Civil War Veteran, died after a few days illness of pneumonia. 06/25/1936 Miss Virginia Wallace, who has recently received her M.D. degree from the Woman's Medical College of Philadelphia, Penn., is at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Tracy Wallace. 07/09/1936 Estill Countians accepted in the CCC camp at Stanton are: John Adams, Fielton Ashcraft, Virgil Blevins, Andy Canter, Jr., John Canter, Cecil Chaney, Tracy Covey, Hargis Dunn, Ray Dunn, Robert Dunaway, Burlan Estes, James Hollon, Farris Horn, Edward Hymer, Buck Isaacs, Layton Jones, Fleming Newton, Elzie Pitts, Russell Sparks, Park Stewart, Winfried Thacker, Otis Wolfinbarger, Carlie Horn, Clarence Reed and Ray Smith. 09/17/1936 The Kentucky Hand Weavers Corporation located in the Marcum building near the Ravenna line is the latest addition to the business places of Irvine. The business was under the management of Fred Marcum. 10/08/1936 James (Slick) Riddell informed the Herald that he was the proud father of a new baby boy, his 24th child, 23 of whom are living. He stated that he was the father of 13 boys and they had 10 sisters. Mr. Riddell, being asked how he fed such a family, mildly said "The Lord provided for the children and he ate with them." John H. Christman, 97, a veteran of the Civil War in which he rode with Wolford's 1st. Ky. Calvary in the Union Army, died at the home of his son, Leslie Chrisman. 10/29/1936 President Roosevelt broke all records by carrying 46 states with a total of 323 electorial votes. The outcome of the election seems an endorse- ment in a no uncertain terms for the New Deal and the present national administration. ****************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved.