DEED: Brink, 1861 - Fayette Co, KY ----------------------------------------------------------- Contributed to the USGW Kentucky Archives by: Karen King Scales "" August 18, 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------- Please place this deed on the Fayette Co. Archive site. Thanks. Karen King Scales Fayette Co., KY Deed Book 36, page 397 Indenture made March 4, 1861 between Walter Prather Commissioner appointed by the county court of Fayette to convey to the heirs of Hybert Brink dec'd the land allotted by the Commissioner ____ on the petition of Martha Hall, Marcus & Sarah Powell, Philip Brink, Isaac Brink, Hybert Brink, John Brink, Ephraim Brink, James Brink, Rebecca Brink, Joseph Brink, Wm. S. Brink, Thomas (?hard to read) Griffith & wife ____ children viz: Jane, John, Thomas (?hard to read too), Felicity & Elizabeth; the children of Archie Brink dec'd Demarius, Sarah, Archie, Cynthia, & Isabella. heirs of Hybert Brink dec'd(?) to divide the lands of said Hybert Brink dec'd of the County of Fayette and State of Kentucky of the first & Isaac & James Brink of the fore named county & state of the second part. Witnesseth for and inconsideration of the sum of one dollar & fifty cents pain in hand paid the receipt of which is here acknowledged the party of the first part doth sell bargain convey release and grant to the party of the second part & their heirs or assignees that tract of land in Fayette County Ky known on platt & division of the lands of Hybert Brink dec'd amond his heirs at lots No 4 & 6, which platt & division is lodged for record in the Fayette County Court Clerks Office & bounded as follows: Beginning at (a) a water ash on the Ky River & corner to J.R. Bailey & running S85W148 48/100 poles to (8) a stone near ceter of Jacks Creek Road & corner to John & Jane Griffith thence S6 1/2 E17 poles to (7) a stone near center of said road & corner to same thence S85 W41 poles to (9) a stone corner to same & in said J.R. Bailey's line thence S 9 3/4 E39 poles to (6) a stone corner to said Bailey thence S23 1/4 E22 91/100 poles to (10) a stone in said Bailey's line & corner to Arch Brink's heirs thence N67o10' E28 poles to (6) a stone near center of said road & corner to Archie Brinks heirs thence S16 1/2 E 19 poles to (11) a stone in said road & corner to same thence S33 E8 60/100 poles to (5) a stone in said road & corner to Martha Hall thence S53 E30 poles to (4) three stones on east side of said road & corner to Martha Hall, Jesse Jones & W.M. Cosby thence N45o 46' E88 71/100 poles to (H) two stones on the point of a ridge & corner to W.M. Cosby thence N57 1/2 E 50 14/100 poles to ([letter] I) a stone corner to same on the bank of said river & about 6 ot 7 feet above a marked water maple thence up said river N20 1/2 W58 1/2 poles to the beginning containing seventy one acres it with all of its appertenances forever to their own uses & privileges & the party of the first part only warrants the same against himself as commissioner. Whereunto I set my hand & seal this above day and date. Walter Prather seal ***************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons.Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.