DEED: Robinson heirs to A. Stewart, 1835 - Fayette County, Kentucky ------------------------------------------ Contributed by: H and J Clifford "" January 21, 1999 ------------------------------------------ Fayette County Kentucky Deed Book 18, pages 250, 251, 252 Heirs of Benjamin Robinson [Sr] to Alexander Stewart, 13 July 1835 This Indenture made this 13th day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and thirty five Between John Robinson and Fanny his wife James Robinson and Patsy his wife Benjamin Mitchell and Permilia his wife Johnson Mitchell and Susan his wife of the County of Jessamine Charles Robinson and priscilla his wife, Peggy Moore Boswell Mitchell and Susan his wife of the County of Fayette Polly McCann of the County of Clarke William Jones and Polly his wife and Mildred Mitchell of Bourbon and Nancy Jenkins Sally Blackwell and Owen Winn and Polly Robinson of the County [?of Fayette] the Counties and Commonweath of Kentucky on the one part and Alexander Stewart of the County of Fayette and Commonwealth aforesaid on the other part Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part for and in Consideration of the sum of Two thousand and fifty Dollars and 25 Cents to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and Sold and by these presents doth grant bargain Sell and Confirm unto the said Alexander Stewart his heirs and assigns all that Tract or parcel of land situate and being in the County of Fayette on the waters of Davids fork Containing Fifty five acres One Rood and 26 poles and bounded as follows towit Beginning at a stone in lane Running South 88 1/4 West Eight poles to a stone thence South 3 1/2 East seven & 06/100 poles to a stone thence North 84 1/4 East twenty & 7/10 poles to a stone in the mouth of the lane thence South 6 East ninety two and 72/100 poles to a stone thence South 63 3/4 East Thirty five and 39/100 poles to a stone thence South 9 3/4 West Eighteen and 2/10 poles to a sugar tree thence North 77.33 East Forty three and 32/100 poles to a stone thence North ?17 West one hundred and Eighty poles to a stone on the Edge of a drain thence 76 1/4 West Fifty poles to a stone thence South 15 3/4 East Thirty nine and 4/10 poles to the Beginning all the above Corners are Corners with Jacob Hughes Together with all and Singular the premises thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the land hereby Conveyed with the appurtenances unto the said Alexander Stewart his heirs and assigns forever and the said parties of the first part for themselves their heirs Executors and administrators the aforesaid Tract of land and premises unto the said Alexander Stewart his heirs or assigns against the Claim or Claims of all and every person or persons Whatsoever do and will forever warrant and defend by these presents, In testimony Whereof the said Parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and date first above written Faney G Robinaon Seal Peggy (X) Moore Seal Susan Mitchell Seal Susan Mitchell Seal William Jones Seal Boswell Mitchell Seal Mary (X) Jones Seal Benjamin Mitchell Seal Polly McCann Seal Johnson Mitchell Seal Charles Robinson Seal Mildred Robinson Seal Priscilla B Robinson Seal James Robinson Seal John Robinson Seal Acknowledged in presence of State of Kentucky Fayette County towit I James C Rodes of the County Court for the County aforesaid do Certify that this deed from John Robinson and Fanny his wife James Robinson and Patsy his wife Benjamin Mitchell and Pamelia his wife Johnson Mitchell and Susan his wife Charles Robinson and Priscilla his wife Peggy Moore Boswell Mitchell and Susan his wife Polly McCann William Jones and Polly his wife Mildred Mitchell Nancy Jenkins Sally Blackwell Owen Winn and Polly Robinson to Alexander Stewart was produced to me in my office on the 13th July 1835 and acknowledged by the said Peggy Moore Boswell Mitchell and Susan his wife on the 22nd January 1836 was again produced to me and acknowledged by the said Benjamin Mitchell James Robinson John Robinson and Fanny G. his wife and Susan Mitchell on the 21st Same month by William Jones and Mildred Mitchell on the 4th of May 1836 by Polly Jones on the 13th Same Month by Polly McCann on the 19th Same month by Charles Robinson and Priscilla his wife all parties thereto to be their act and deed they the said Susan Mitchell wife [of] Boswell Mitchell Susan Mitchell wife of Johnson Mitchell Fanny G. Robinson Polly Jones and Priscilla Robinson being by me privily examined separately and apart from their husbands declared that they did freely and willingly seal and delvier Said writing and wished not to retract it & acknowledged Said writing again shown and Explained to them to be their act and deed and Consenteth that the same might be recorded and on this day the same deed was Ordered to be recorded with with this Certificate hath been duly admitted to Record in my Office. Given under my hand this 23rd December 1840 Att J. C. Rodes CfCC Delivered to Owner Aug 2 1848 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. 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