Wills: Jesse Bryant: 1843: Fayette Co., KY, Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Margaret Shipp-Henley mlshipp1@juno.com - 14 June 1999 ******************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ******************************************************************* Dated 2 November 1843 Produced in Court December Term 1843 Fayette County, Kentucky - Will Book P Pages 523-525: Will of Jesse Bryant In the name of God Amen. I Jessee Bryant of Fayette County, being of sound mind & disposing memory & knowing the uncertainties of life, do make & publish this instrument of writing as my Last Will & Testament hereby making void all former Wills made by me. Item. I desire my just debts to be paid. Item. I give to and bequeath to Nancy Coleman three hundred dollars. Item. I give and bequeath to Pike Coleman & John M. Coleman one hundred dollars each. Item. I give to William E. Coleman nine hundred and forty five dollars. Item. It is my Will and desire that my old and faithful servants to wit: Frank, Bill, Grace & Mary be kept upon my farm where I now live, during their lives & are to be well treated & taken care of. they are to perform reasonable labour for the benefit of themselves & the benefit of my estate. they are are not to be removed, or sold, & when they get old they are to be taken care of & supported out of my estate. Item. It is my will and desire that my Executors & Trustees hereafter named, dispose of my hemp now broken out & on hand, & also my last crop now in the Stack, for the best price they can & lay out the money in land upon the best terms they can. the land to be purchased adjoining the tract I now live on, & the title to be taken subject to the trust vested in them. Item. It is also my will & desire that my Executors & Trustees lay out my money on hand, & that which is due me for the hire of negroes & otherwise in the same manner I have directed them to lay out the money arising from hemp crops. Item. I hereby appoint Horace Coleman & George Darnaby, my Executors & Trustees & I bequeath & convey to them the whole of the residue of my Estate, real, personal & mixed, to be held by them in trust for the benefit on my Grandson John J. Thompson, during his natural life, & if my said Grandson should marry & have legal heirs, my said Estate, at his death, in the hands of said Executors & Trustees, their heirs, Executors etc is to be held for the said heirs, & their heirs etc of my said Grandson John J. Johnson. Upon my deceased, it is my will & desire that my sd. Grand (son) John J. Thompson immediately take possession of the Estate hereby conveyed him in trust, & use & occupy the same subject to the advise of my said Executors & Trustees - receiving the rents & profits and issues of the same during his life & applying them to his own proper use and behoof & I hereby direct him to carry into full effect, my will as to my old negroes & to treat my slaves generally as a good master. It is also my will and desire, if my said Grandson John J. Thompson should die without legal heirs, of his own body, it is then my Will & desire, that my Estate shall be held by my Executors & trustees, their heirs, Executors etc. to the following uses: That in this event, my Executors & trustees, sell at public sale, the whole of my Estate, real, personal & mixed, (making suitable provisions for my old negroes) & divide the proceeds equally between my own relations, & my wife’s relations, here named - share and share alike. My own relations being Jo?? Bryant, Jesse Bryant, Daniel Bryant, & James Rice. And my wife’s relations being Nancy Coleman, her daughter, and Nancy Coleman’s children. And also Lewis Ellis’s children & Dudley Shipp’s children, & Julian Hughes-all being Grand children of my said Wife & if either of our said relations should die, leaving heirs, then their heirs to receive their share, herein provided. In Testimony where I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 2nd day of November 1843. Jesse Bryant (seal) Witnesses: James E. Davis Thomas Ellis Fayette County Sct. December Court 1843. The foregoing Instrument of writing, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Jesse Bryant deceased, was produced in Court, proven by the oaths of of James E. Davis and Thomas Ellis, the subscribing Witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded, which is truly done in my office. Att. James C. Rodes cf c.c. by Wm. R. Bradford D. C. NOTE: Nancy or "Ann" Ellis married 1st. Capt. John W. Thomson, and had Pike M. and John William Thomson. When Capt. Thomson died, Nancy (Ellis) Thomson married 2nd. Horace Coleman, hence the confusion of the names.