WAR OF 1812: Hall, Rodin; Pension File; Floyd County, KY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Resubmitted by: Kathy Hamilton email: midnight@starband.net Date resubmitted: 18, May 2001 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - State of Kentucky County of Floyd On this 26th day of June 1853 personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace withinthe county aforesaid, Rodin Hall a resident of Floyd County aged 67 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the laws of the United States passed on the 3rd day of February 1853. That he is the identical man who was a Private in a Company of Virginia Militia commanded by Captain John Hammons from the County of Russell in the State of Virginia in the 6th Regiment of Virginia Militia commanded by Colonel Henry E. Coleman in the War known as the War of 1812 declared by the United States against Great Britain. He was marched to Norfolk in the State of Virginia and mustered into actual service and from exposure while in actual service and in the line of duty he contracted a disease called "camp fever" which from exposure while in actual service and in the line of his duty the said fever settled in his limbs and so effected the spinal marrow of his back that he was found unfit for the service and received a sick discharge which is now on file in the City of Washington he having received his bounty land for the same and he has been disabled from getting his subsistence from manual labor ever since he contracted the disease above named. And he further states on his oath that the Captain he marched under is now dead and he hath just cause to believe the the Colonel in command is also dead as he was a tolesable old man when in the service with him. As to the other officers that I was under I do not know any thing of their whereabouts as I live some five hundred miles from where I last heard from them, the Physicians that examined me in the time of my affliction in the service and while in the army their names I cannot recollect nor can I tell where they reside, the only witnesses that I can procure or that I know and that resides in any reasonable distance of me is the two whose affidavits accompany my application which I pray the Commissioner of Pensions to read in my behalf his Rodin X Hall mark Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of June 1853 and I certify that I have no interest in this case and am not concerned in its prosecutions David Cooley Justice of the Peace Floyd County. Note: Rodden Hall was born in Grayson County, Virginia in 1785. He married Mary around 1804, based on the birth of their first child. The family moved to Russell County, Virginia in 1812 and then to Floyd County, Kentucky in the early 1830. Mary died in 1863 and Rodden in 1871. They are buried in the Nimrod Hall Cemetery on Branham Creek in Floyd County. ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any other form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. **********************************************************************