1810 Floyd County Kentucky Tax List ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/sd/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marvin Hall -------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Submitter Submitter Email address Date of submission Kozee reported in his book, Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky, that in 1810 there were approximately 550 families living in Floyd County Kentucky. The 1810 US Census reported that 3,485 people lived in the county. 1,809 were white males; 1,561 were white females; and 115 were blacks. Listed below are the names of the the white head-of-households and taxpayers in Floyd County in 1810. Town of Prestonsburg Cummins, James Evans, Thomas Jost, Christian Morris, Benjamin Simms, Martin Thurman, John --- A --- Adams, Benjamin Adams, Spencer Adams, Stephen Adams, John D. Adams, John Adams, Stephen Adams, Moses Adams, William Adams, John Adkins, Noton Adkins, Joseph Adkins, Thomas Adkins, Spencer Adkins, Jesse Adkins, Isham Adkins, Joel Adkins, Moses Akers, Valentine Akers, Solomon Allen, Sarah Allen, William Allen, George Allen, Thomas Auxier, Michael Auxier, Thomas Auxier, Simon Auxier, Nathaniel Auxier, John --- B --- Back, John Bailey, Benjamin Bailey, James Bailey, Joseph Baisden, John S. Banks, Christian Barnett, Gilbert Barnett, Jesse Beavers, Abraham Belcher, George Belcher, John Bence, Lawrence Bennee, Daniel Bentley, Daniel Berry, Isaac Bivens, Coverton Bivens, Thoams Blackburn, Thomas Blackburn, William Blair, James Blankenship, Cody Blankenship, Obadiah Blankenship, William Booker, Odom Bowen, Adam Bowers, John Bowers, Michael Bradley, George Branham, David Branham, David Branham, Edward Branham, John Branham, Turner Branshaw, William Brown Jr., John Brown, Daniel Brown, James Brown, James Brown, John Brown, Robert Brown, Samuel Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas Burchett, Benjamin Burgess Garland Burgess, Edward Burgess, Edward Burgess, Henry Burgess, John Burgess, William Burns, William --- C --- Cains, Richard Cameron, James Carnutte, John Casebolt, John Casky, Thomas Castile, Joseph Caswell, Basil Cathy, Samuel Caudill, James Caudill, Matthew Caudill, Sampson Caudill, William Chaffin, David Chaffin, James Chapman, William Chase, William Childers, Abraham Clark, Reuben Click, John Coburn, Samuel Coffee, William Collier, Richard Collins, Meredith Combs, Jeremiah Combs, Jjohn Conley, David Conley, Henry Conley, John Conley, Thomas Conway, Lewis Cook, Clayton Cooper, John Cope, James Cox, Flory Craft, Archelous Craig, William Crank, William Crays, George Cree, William Crum, Adam Crum, Henry Cunningham, Jonathon --- D --- Damron, Joseph Damron, Lazarus Damron, Richard Daniel, Isham Davis, James Davis, Jeremiah Davis, Joseph Davis, Robert Davis, Zachariah Day, James Day, Reuben Deal, John Dean, John Dennison, John Dennison, Jonathon Dennison, Thomas Dickson, John Dorton, Edward --- E --- Eastep, Cornelius Eastep, Shadrack Eastep, Shadrack Edwards, Meredith Eldridge, Elijah Elkins, James Elkins, James Ellington, David Ellington, Jacob Ellington, Jonathan Elliott, James Ellis, Benjamin Ellis, Charles Elswick, Bradley Elswick, Edmund Elswick, John England, Joseph Evans, Evan Evans, John Evans, Richard W. --- F --- Fannin, David Ferguson, Richard Ferguson, William Ferguson, William Fitzgerald, William Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, Thomas Ford, Joseph Foster, Isaac Foster, Mark Franklin, John Frazier, Sarah Frazier, Solomon Frazier, William Fugit, Joseph Fugit, Randall --- G --- Garland, Ambrose Garrett, Elimelech George, Jennie Ghost, John Gibson, Archibald Gibson, Ezekiel Giddens, Reuben Graham, John --- H --- H Hackworth Jeremiah Hackworth John Hale Joseph Hale Peter Hamilton Benjamin Hanna Ebenezer Hanna Samuel Harman John Harper Stephen Harrell Enoch Harrell William Harris James P. Harris John Hatcher John Hatfield Martha Haws Isreal Haws John Haws Robert Haws Samuel Haws Samuel Hays John Hazel John Hensley David Hensley James Hensley William Higgins William Hilton Jesse Hilton Roderick B. Hilton Benjamin Hoff William Hogg James Hogg Stephen Holbrook Randall Hopkins Gardner Hopkins William Horn Frederick Hunt John Hunt John --- I --- Iliff, Joh Irient, James --- J --- Jacobs, William James, Mary James, Samuel Janes, William Jerome, Battis Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Elias Johnson, George Johnson, Jacob Johnson, John Johnson, John Johnson, Patrick Johnson, Patrick Johnson, Thomas Johnson, William Jones, Ambrose Jones, John Jones, Lydia Jones, Nancy Jones, William Jones, William Jons, Thomas Josephs, William Justice, Ezra Justice, George Justice, John Justice, John Justice, John Justice, Simon Justice, Simon Justice, Simon Justice, Wiliam Justice, William --- K --- Keesee, Richard Keeton, William Kelly, John Kelly, John Kelly, Salec Kelly, Thomas Kennedy, Charles Kezee, Benjamin King, Elisha King, Samuel --- L --- Lackey, Alexander Lacy, James Lacy, John Lawson, Travis Layne, Abraham Layne, James Layne, John Layne, Samuel Layne, Samuel Leech, Asa Lemasters, John Leslie, John Leslie, Rlobdert Lester, Abner Lester, James Lettle, William Lewis, Benjamin Lewis, Charles Lewis, Thomas Leyne, James Little, Isaac Lucky, Jesse Lycan, Jeremiah Lycan, John Lycna, David --- M --- Macollee, Thomas Maddox, Charles Mainor, Christopher Mainor, James Mainor, Lewis Mainor, William Mainor,Moses Mallett, Thomas Mankins, Peter Mankins, Walter Mann, Samuel Mann, William Mannin, Boaz Martin, David Martin, Richard Martin, William Martin, William Matthews, James Matthews, Matthew May, Caleb May, John May, Samuel Mayo, William J. Mays, William McBrayer, Ichabod McBridge, John McClintock, William McCoy, John McCoy, Samuel McCoy, William McDowell, William McGuire, Cornelius McGuire, James McGuire, John McGuire, Samuel McGuire, William McIntosh, Rorhy Mead, Moses Mead, Rhodes Mead, Robert Mead, Samuel Meeks, James Meeks, William Menix, Charles Miller, Philip Miller, Robert Miller, William Millirons, Michael Montogomery, William Moore, Christopher Morgan, David Morgan, John Morgan, Nathan Morris, Benjamin Morris, Daniel Morris, John Morris, Mary Mullett, Nathan Mullins, Ambrose Mullins, Ambrose Mullins, Booker Mullins, Booker Mullins, John Mullins, Joshua Mullins, Solomon Mullins, William Murphy, John Murray, Samuel Murray, Thomas --- N --- Nelson, Emanuel Newcomb, William Newlin, William Nickle, Isaac Nickle, Thomas Nickle, William --- O --- Oakey, John Ohare, Michael Oldfield, Elias Osborn, Edward Osborn, Elizabeth Osborn, Solomon Owens, David Owens, Owen Owens, Thomas --- P --- Pack, Charles Pack, Samuel Parsons, Gabriel Parsons, Jesse Parsons, John Parsons, Sarah Parsons, William Patrick, James Patrick, James Patton, Christopher Patton, Henry Patton, James Patton, John Pearce, Benjamin Pelfrey, William Penley, John Perkins, Stephen Perry, John Peyton, Daniel Phillips,k Elijah Pickleheimer, Abraham Pinson, Aaron Pinson, Allen Pinson, Henry Pinson, Thomas Pinson, William Polley, David Polley, Edward Potter, Edward Powell, Cader Powell, David Powers, Lewis Prater, Archibald Prater, William Pratt, Janus Preston Sr., Moses Preston, Isaac Preston, Nathan Price, Jesse Price, Richard Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Priest, Ruel Priggmore, Samuel --- R --- Ramey, Daniel Ramey, Jesse Ramey, John Ramey, William Ramey, William Ratliff, James Ratliff, Jeremiah Ratliff, Richard Ratliff, Silas Ratliff, Stephen Ratliff,William Reeves, John H. Roberson,Thomas Roberts, James Rogers, William Rose, Francis Runyon, Henry Russell, John Rutherford, Reuben --- S --- Salmons, Rowland Saulsberry, William Saunders, Jacob Scott, William Slone, James Slone, Mary Slone, Shadrack Slusher, Jacob Sowards, Fishie Speers, Spencer Speers, Thomas Spurlock, David Spurlock, John Spurlock, Matthew Stacy, Simon Stafford, Absolom Stallcup, Swithin Stevenson, James Stone, Ezekiel Stratton, Hiram Stratton, John Stratton, Solomon Stratton, William Stratton,Harry Stratton,Tandy Stratton,Thomas Sullards, John Sullards, Samuel Sullivan, Peter Sumner, John Sykes, Drury --- T --- Tackett, George Thompson, Andrew Thompson, James Thompson, John Thompson, Lectius Thompson, Richard Thompson, Samuel Tolar, Christopher Tolar, Robert Toulson, Thomas U-V Venters, Arthur --- W --- Waddle, William Walker, Sarah Wallace, Timothy Walters, George Walters, William Ward, Sarah Ward, Solomon Watts, George Webb, Benjamin Webb, Samuel Webb, William Webb, William Weddington, Henry Wellman, Bennett Wellman, Elisha Wellman, Joseph Wells, John Wells, Matthew Wells, William West, Frances West, Joseph West, William Wheeler, James Wheeler, Stephen Whitehead, William Wiey, Thomas Williams, Daniel Williams, James Williams, John Williams, John Williams, Joshua Williams, Mason Williamson, Benjamin Williamson, Harman Williamson, John Wilson, Harris Wilson, John Winion, John Wooten, Silas P. XYZ Young, Alexander Young, James Young, John Young, Robert