Franklin County, KY - Bios: Hines, Thomas Henry Thursday, April 08, 2000 5:43 AM Submitted by: Sandi Gorin ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* #4266: Lawyers and Lawmakers of Kentucky, by H. Levin, editor, 1897. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago. Reprinted by Southern Historical Press. p. 101. Franklin County. THOMAS HENRY HINES, of Frankfort, member of the court of appeals from 1878 until 1885 and chief justice during the last two years of his service on the supreme bench, was born in Butler county, Kentucky, October 9, 1838, a son of Judge Warren W. and Sarah (Carson) Hines. His ancestors were of a English and Scotch origin and were among the first settlers of Kentucky. They were noted for their love of liberty and were men of strong individuality. Judge Hines attended the common schools to a limited extent during his youth, but his literary education was largely acquired outside of the school-room. Of a studious nature and anxious for self- improvement, he utilized all the means whereby he might add to his store of knowledge, and had made such rapid advancement that in 1859 he was offered a position as> teacher in the Masonic University of La Grange, where he remained until the war. Deeply in sympathy with the south, he joined the Confederate army, and the days of chivalry furnish few tales of greater heroism, loftier patriotism or more loyal devotion than he displayed. It was he who planned and secured the escape of General Morgan and six of the Confederate officers who had been taken prisoner by the Union troops and whose loss to the southern cause was immeasurable. He was then but twenty-three years of age, but he displayed a military ingenuity and mental alertness shown by few generals of either army. Treatment received in the prison determined> him to plan a means of escape. Prison life had become intolerable, and the thought of breathing the free air of heaven once more was inexpressibly sweet. Being led to believe by the dry condition of the cells that there must be air passages under the prison, and in pursuance of an idea suggested by the escape of Jean Valjean, as portrayed by Victor Hugo in Les Miserables, Judge Hines resolved to make and opening into these air cells and by means of those subterranean passages effect on escape. There were difficulties to overcome from the arrangement of the cells,--five tiers or stories of solid stone masonry, six feet long, six feet high and three feet wide. With two case knives which had been sent from the hospital the work was begun November 4 in Captain Hines' cell, he assuming the responsibility and alone taking the risk of discovery and its consequent punishment by imprisonment in the dungeon. Only two men could work at a time, and it was not until November 25th that the passage was made clear to the yard of the penitentiary; but at length through the walls of solid masonry apertures were effected, and by a little strategy General Morgan and six captains, on a dark and stormy night, made their way into these air cells and crawled through them to liberty. It was one of the most subtly contrived and skillfully arranged maneuvers found on the pages of military history, and was all the result of the planning and labors of Judge Hines. Before they reached safety within the Confederate lines his wit and bravery were again called into requisition on behalf of General Morgan, and later on many a battle-field he displayed equal coolness and daring in command of his troops. His military record is unsurpassed for bravery and his strategic movements were worthy the skill of a Fabius. After the war Captain Hines went to Toronto, Canada, where he began the study of law under John C. Breckenridge. In March, 1866, he returned to his country, and in Memphis, Tennessee, completed his law studies under the direction of General Albert Pike, at the same time having editorial charge of the Memphis Daily Appeal. In October, 1867, he removed to Bowling Green, where he successfully practiced law until 1870, when he was elected judge of the Warren country court. He resigned, however, in 1872, in order to give his attention to the court of appeals and his eighteen year term on that bench was distinguished by the highest legal ability. To wear the ermine worthily it is not enough that one possesses legal acumen, is learned in the principles of jurisprudence, familiar with precedents and thoroughly honest. Many men, even when acting uprightly, are wholly unable to divest themselves of prejudice and are unconsciously warped in their judgments by their own mental characteristics or educational peculiarities. This unconscious and variable disturbing force enters more or less into the judgments of all men, but in the ideal jurist this factor becomes so small as not to be discernible in results and loses its potency at a disturbing force. Judge Hines was exceptionally free from all judicial bias. His varied legal learning and wide experience in the courts, the patient care with which he ascertained all the facts bearing upon every case which came before him, gave his decisions a solidity and an exhaustiveness from which no members of the bar could take exception. His professional career has been successful and brilliant, and he is now one of Frankfort's most eminent attorneys. ================================================================================================ Col. Sandi Gorin, 205 Clements,Glasgow, KY 42141 (270) 651-9114 - E-fax (707)222-1210 - e-mail: Member: Glasgow-Barren Co Chamber of Commerce Publishing: Barren Co: TIPS: KYBIOS: ARCHIVES: