BIO: TAYLOR, William B., s/o Joshua & Mary (Armstrong) Taylor Submitted by: Diana Flynn TAYLOR ARMSTRONG ESTLINGER HOUGH "COUNTIES OF MORGAN, MONROE & BROWN, INDIANA. HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL." CHARLES BLANCHARD, EDITOR. CHICAGO: F. A. BATTEY & CO. PUBLISHERS. 1884. F. A. BATTEY. F. W. TEPPLE WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP AND MARTINSVILLE, MORGAN COUNTY, INDIANA, page 209 WILLIAM B. TAYLOR was born in Lawrence County, Ind., September 15, 1819. His parents, Joshua and Mary (Armstrong) Taylor, natives of Virginia and Kentucky respectively, came to Indiana in 1809, and settled on a farm in Washington County, where they remained for eight years, removing thence to Lawrence County. In February, 1821, they came to Morgan County, locating on a farm one mile from Martinsville. In 1834, the mother died, and ten years later the father, with his children, moved to Green Township, where he died in June, 1855. William B. Taylor is the fourth son and seventh child in a family of eleven children reared in Morgan County, and when fifteen years of age he began learning the blacksmith trade. After one year at this, he worked for the neighboring farmers until 1839. He then worked on a flat-boat between New Orleans and Martinsville for Mitchell Bros. until 1842. For some time he worked in lead mines in Wisconsin, and in August, 1845, he was married to Jane Estlinger, a native of Washington County, Ind. They have two children--Mary A. and Sarah A. His wife died in November, 1854, and one year later he was married to Caroline Hough. By this union there is one child, Lillie. After his first marriage, he farmed near Martinsville, in Washington Township, for nine years, and then sold his farm and purchased another one in Green Township. Here he farmed for thirteen years. In 1869, he began trading in stock, and at present resides in Martinsville, engaged in the same way. Mr. Taylor is an active member of the Republican party. He was County Commissioner for two years, re-elected, and served six years longer. He was Township Trustee for two years. He filled the unexpired term of office for Mr. Perham (deceased) in 1861, and was again elected in 1862 and l863, and again in 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are members of the Cumberland Church. The parents of William B. Taylor, Joshua and Mary (Polly) Armstrong Taylor were married in Franklin County, Kentucky in 1805. Information supplied by Lonnie Fink ( ************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent.