Franklin-Jessamine County KyArchives Biographies.....Woodson, Richard Kidder April 13, 1810 - December 3, 1889 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sandi Gorin May 13, 2005, 5:45 am Author: From The Woodsons and Their Connections, by Henry Morton Woodson, 1915. Richard Kidder Woodson. "Born April 13, 1810 in Jessamine county, KY, and received his education in the schools of the county. When about grown he went to Franklin county and engaged in farming and stock raising. He was married November 20, 1832 to Emily Littlepage Hickman, who was born October 29, 1811, in Frankfort, Kentucky. They settled on their farm a few miles from Frankfort, and lived there until the beginning of the Civil War, when taking sides with the Federal administration, he was appointed by President Lincoln, deputy United States assessor for that district, and was faithful in the discharge of his duties. He held this office for nearly twenty years, during which time he lived in the city of Frankfort. His wife who was a faithful member of the Baptist Church, died September 25, 1865. He was married, secondly on April 21, 1868 to the widow, Mrs. Mary (Willis) Todd. About 1885, he resigned his Federal office and retired to his farm near the Big Eddy, a few miles from Frankfort in Franklin county. Here he remained until he died December 3, 1889. In politics he was an "Old Line Whig" and was opposed to secession. The following obituary relates the circumstances of his death: 'Mr. Richard Kidder Woodson, one of the oldest citizens of this county, was stricken with paralysis at his home, hear the Big Eddy, Sunday morning. He went out about 5 o'clock on that morning to feed his horses in the barn, where he remained for nearly two hours. His wife, thinking his stay was unusually long, went to look for him and found him in an unconscious condition. He was taken to his house and after a time regained consciousness. Although in his eightieth year it was hoped he would recover in time, but on Monday morning he relapsed into a comatose state and continued so until about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning, December 3, 1889, when he breathed his last. 'Mr. Woodson was born and reared in Jessamine county, but removed to this county when a young man, and has continued to reside here ever since. He was a man of strict integrity; firm in his convictions of right was prompt to condemn that which he believed to be wrong, and was as true to his friends as the needle to the pole. 'The greater part of his life was devoted to farming, but for several years during and just after the war, he was deputy United States assessor for this district, discharging the duties faithfully. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss Emily Littlepage Hickman, by whom he had twelve children, six of whom together with his last wife, who was formerly Mrs. Mary Willis Todd, still survive him.' " File at: This file has been created by a form at