MILNER FAMILY BIBLE RECORDS This certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between R. E. Milner of Hickman Co., Ky. and Anna K. Goulder of Hickman Co., Ky., on the 4th day of Feb. 1886, at the brides fathers by the Rev. J. T. C. Collins. MARRIAGES T. W. King and Lula L Milner - was married Rufus Milner and Fannye Adams was married 1914 Grafton Milner and Artie Adams was married Dec. 23, 1914 Addye Milner and Sam Hodge was married Grafton Milner and Effie Lee Donaldson was married Nov. 25, 1933 Harold Muzzel and Louise King was married Dec. 21, 1935 Juliett Marie Milner and Charles Garrett was married April 2, 1936 David Troutt and Anna Milner was married Thomas Bruce and Martha Sue King - Sept. 21, 1941 Ray Bruce and Mary Cashon - July 21, 1963 Paul Bruce and Lolita Brasfield - June 1, 1968 Robert Lee Milner and Carolyn Wray Milner - Dec. 28, 1961 Larry Perry and Julie Garrett - Dec. 20 Steve Garrett and Sharon Sheeler - July 19, 1968 Steve Whetsone and Anita Garrett - Sept. 4, 1970 David M. Garrett and Bambi - Feb. 28, 1981 Steve and Donna July 30, 1978 - 2nd marriage. BIRTHS R. E. Milner - Oct. 15th, 1858 Anna K. Milner - June 25th, 1865 ______ Milner - July 22, 1887 Lula Lee Milner - July 1, 1888 William Rufus Milner - Dec. 25, 1892 Grafton Goulder Milner - Feb. 14, 1896 Addie Kathleen Milner - Nov. 25, 1898 Robert Lee Milner - April 5, 1939 T. Weldon King - March 24, 1889 Thomas Dayton Bruce - May 30, 1921 Anna Marguerite King - April 13, 1910 Louise Alberta King - Aug. 25, 1913 Thomas Ray Bruce - Jan. 9, 1945 Carolyn King - Nov. 4, 1917 Martha Sue King - Nov. 12, 1921 Sarah Kathryn King - Dec. 29, 1919 Bill Cashon - March 29, 1893 Terry Ray Bruce - May 29, 1965 Pearl Cashon - Nov. 23, 1900 Kirk Jarrett Milner - Dec. 24, 1962 Scott Charles Perry - Dec. 11, 1973 Christopher Steven Garrett - Nov. 27, 1970 Aimee Marie Whetstone - March 29, 1971 Mathew Perry - Nov. 19, 1980 Jason Howard Perry - Nov. 19, 1985 Michele Lynn Garrett - Feb. 7, 1969 AndrianWhetstone - Oct. 7, 1979 Ima Cashon Lander - March 29, 1895 Sarah Mit Cashon - Jan. 21, 1918 Dorothy Deane - Feb. 17, 1931 Bobbye Lee Milner - April 5, 1934 Steven Charles Garrett - Feb. 17, 1949 Mary Julia Garrett - Oct. 23, 1950 Anita Sally Garrett - March 30, 1953 David Milner Garrett - ___, 28, 1956 Benjamin Weldon Milner - Feb. 20, 1921 James Goulder Milner - Nov. 11, 1922 DEATHS Benjamin Weldon Milner - Nov. 9, 1925 (buried Nov. 11) David Trout - June 20, 1936 Mrs. Anna Trout - July 28, 1936 Rufus Milner - Jan. 6, 1940 Addye Milner Hodge - August 27, 1924 Thomas Weldon King - July 19, 1955 Rufus Edwin Milner - April 5, 1924 Grafton Goulder Milner - May 15, 1970 James Goulder Milner - Jan. 9, 1981 Information submitted by Bob and Carolyn Milner and published in the Fulton Genealogical Journal - Vol. 3, No. #, - August 1987. Additional information supplied that was not in the bible ********************************************** T. W. King and Lula L. Milner - married March 25, 1907 Addye Milner and Sam Hodge - married Oct. 13, 1920 Bambi's last name was Biggs Steve and Donna are Steve Garrett and Donna Davis David Milner Garrett - born March 28, 1956