Record Book of Oak Grove (line drawn thru Oak Grove), Mt. Herman Christian Church - Aug. 9th, 1891 M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk. This is written on inside front cover. *********************************************** This material was transcribed on Nov.28, 2003 from the original record by D. L. Livingston ( *********************************************** Agreement for Arbitration ********************* We, whose names are hereto signed, being members of Christian Church at Mt. Herman, Fulton Co., Ky. being anxious for an honorable adjustment of the unfortunate troubles now existing in the Church, hereby agree to have the same arbitrated by three brethren, not members of the Christian Church Mt. Herman, to be chosen as follows, The Elders of the church at Mt. Herman and those cooperating with them, to select one brother of good standing and experience in church government and those not cooperating unto said elders, to select a man of similar character and experience, and those two brethren when selected, to select a third brother, and the three so chosen, are to constitute a board of arbitration to hear all the facts to be presented to them by each side, at a meeting of the whole church. And it is also agreed, that Bro. J. H. Roulhac shall present a statement of facts as viewed from the side of those standing in opposition to the course pursued by the Elder, and Bro. M. A. McDaniel is to present all the facts as viewed from the standpoint of the Elder and those who are cooperating with them. When the facts are thus stated, then the said board of arbitration are to render their decision or judgement on same and advice as to the proper course to be pursued in order that peace and brother kindness may be restored, and all heard burnings and bitterness disappear. And so undividedly promise upon our sacred honor, truly and faithfully to abide by the decision of the arbitrators and upon our failure to do so, after admonition and exhortation on the part of the Elders, then this to be justly considered legitimate grounds for expulsion from the congregation. And it is further agreed that when the decision of the arbitrators is made, it is to be reduced by them to writing and then spread upon the church record. M. A. McDaniel, Emma Carter, Edwin Mosely, Will Carter, Willis Carter, Anne McDaniel, Isaac Shuff, Sallie Shuff, Mary E. Shuff, Nannie E. Rice, Jo Graves, Albert Graves, Annie Purcell, Mabel Fletcher, Ida Ballow, Rosa Ballow, Annie Ballow, Harry W. Saunders, S. J. Ballow, Rice Ballow, A. L. Ballow, R. B. Ballow, J. W. Purcell, J. W. & A. E. Ballow, J. S. Creed, S. A. Creed, Emma Ballow, L. T. Holliday, Fredie Holliday, S. E. Crenshaw, Emma Crenshaw, Sam Crenshaw, Mrs. A. B. Johnson, W. H. Curlin, M. S. Hannon, J. B. Ledwidge, Mrs. B. A. Ledwidge, T. J. Creed, W. B. Wheeler, J. C. Hendrix, M. C. Creed, J. P. Creed, Prudie Hendrix, Rittie Carter, M. E. McNeill, Kate T. Berry, O. B. Kerlin, Sallie Kerlin, Mittie Henry, Olivia Carpenter, Olivia J. Carpenter, Eugene Betterworth, Otto Saunders, W. M. Bacon, Mary Prather, W. R. Shields, Mrs. Emily Thomas, Johnnie Thomas, Emily Thomas, Maggie Wilson, S. A. Maddox, Bessie Maddox, Lyde Maddox, Leonard Maddox, Edwin Mosely, Martha Maddox, Henry Maddox, E. L. Brasfield, Bertha M. Shuck, Pinkie Shuck, Mary L. Shuck, Jennie Kerlin, Mollie Shuck, M. E. Bacon, C. P. Bacon, Drew Bacon, C. V. McDaniel, Lou McDaniel. On pages 82 thru 84 is the decision of the board of arbitrators, of which the Above agreement for arbitration forms a part, and is ordered by said board to be spread upon the record book. M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk - Dec.20, 1898. ****************************************** Decision of the Board of Arbitration - Dec.20, 1898 ****************************************** In pursuance of the above agreement, we the brethren called to arbitrate the difference now existing in this church, do hereby submit the following judgement as our unanimous and hearty verdict for the settlement of the present troubles and for the future government of the church. In submitting the following judgement, we wish it to be understood that we do not criminate anyone, or aim to imply that anyone has intentionally, or maliciously done wrong, but that each party to this controversy has committed grievous errors. (1) That the church did err in its manner of disposing of, and selecting preachers. It should have given ample notification to Bro. Roulhac that his services would not be required for the coming year, in as much, as they desired a change. (2) That Bro. Roulhac and those who sympathize with him did err in not quietly and meekly submitting to that which they felt to be an injustice, and that those who sympathize with him did err in absenting themselves from the work and worship of the church. (3) That the majority has been too persisting in insisting upon their own ruling and the minority in refusing to submit, both thus manifesting a lack of the spirit of Christ - in not "Preferring one another in Lord". Furthermore, without specifying more in detail, and believing that the foregoing specific cases covers the whole principle involved, we deem it unnecessary to mention all the points in controversy. As to the calling of preachers for pastoral and evangelical work, in order to avoid future complications, the official board (Elders and Deacons) should decide among themselves, the man, or men whom they would select and let there be at least two public Sunday announcements of the business meeting of the whole church, and the nature of the business to be attended to. At said business meeting of the church, let the official board announce to the congregation whom they have chosen, same to be ratified by the congregation, or reason shown, why said choice should not be ratified. In the event that decided objections are raised against the choice made, the official board shall take the matter under further consideration and advisement. We incorporate in the judgement the first 2 sections of the former agreement, ratified by the church, which reads as follows: (1) "The officers agree that hereafter any members of the church shall have the privilege of inviting any one of our preaching brethren in good standing to preach at the church house when it does not interfere with the regular preaching of the church, provided the church is to be at no charge for the preacher invited. (2) That in reference to missionary contributions, the members individually, are to be free to contribute their money for missions through any agency or society, they may select. Your agreement to abide by the decision of this arbitration, forbids further discussion, or even mention of the questions out of which your troubles here come. Their report of the arbitration is appended to the agreement entered into by both parties to their controversy and is to be spread upon the record of the church. We cannot more appropriately conclude than in the language of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians - "Finally brethren farewell, be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you". Arbitration Committee - J. S. McCorkle, R. M. Giddens, and A. P. Johnson A true copy, Attest, M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk.