Record Book of Oak Grove (line drawn thru Oak Grove), Mt. Herman Christian Church - Aug. 9th, 1891 M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk. This is written on inside front cover. *********************************************** This material was transcribed on Nov.28, 2003 from the original record by D. L. Livingston ( *********************************************** Resolution of Respect - In Memory of Sister Connelly - 1897 Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from our midst, our beloved sister Mary F. Connelly, who died in Memphis, Tenn. on Mar. 4th, 1897. Therefore be it resolved, that Mt. Herman congregation, in the death of Sister Connelly, has lost one of its truest and sincerest members, whose place so often vacant while living, was not so by her desire, but the hand of affliction held her in its iron grasp, which she endured with that spirit that becometh a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus. Resolved , that as a friend and neighbor she was held in the highest esteem and was beloved by all who knew her. Resolved, That we as members of Mt. Herman congregation look to the giver of all good and perfect gifts and who doeth all things made to sustain us in our loss. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be placed o0n our church book. Respectfully submitted by order of the Church W. R. Shields - Comm. J. W. Ballows Isaac Shuff A true copy - M. A. McDaniel - Clerk