Record Book of Oak Grove (line drawn thru Oak Grove), Mt. Herman Christian Church - Aug. 9th, 1891 M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk. This is written on inside front cover. *********************************************** This material was transcribed on Nov.28, 2003 from the original record by D. L. Livingston ( *********************************************** Resolution of Respect - In Memory of Sister Forschie - 1897 Whereas an all wise Providence has seen fit to remove from our midst Sister Jenny Forschie, who died Dec. 24th 1897, at the residence of Bro. And Sister Holliday, Woodland Mills, Tenn. Our worthy sister had been an invalid for several years and often expressed a desire that the Good Lord would take her to his Home in Heaven where sin and sorrow are unknown. She confessed Christ and was baptized in July 1897 near her home by Bro. Jno. R. Williams. Sister Forschie was 78 years old. Therefore be it resolved by the Mt. Herman congregation, that in the death of Sister Forschie, we have lost a good and consistent member. Resolved further, a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the Church record and a page be devoted to her memory. Also, that a copy be sent to Bro. And Sister Holliday. Done at Mt. Herman, this Jan. 9th, 1898, by order of the church W. M. Bacon - Comm. J. W. Ballow Isaac Shuff A true copy - M. A. McDaniel - Clerk