Record Book of Oak Grove (line drawn thru Oak Grove), Mt. Herman Christian Church - Aug. 9th, 1891 M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk. This is written on inside front cover. *********************************************** This material was transcribed on Nov.28, 2003 from the original record by D. L. Livingston ( *********************************************** Resolution of Respect - In Memory of Bro. W. R. Henry - 1898 Whereas an all wise Providence has in his wisdom removed from our midst our beloved Bro. W. R. Henry. Therefore be it resolved, 1st, that in the death of Brother Henry, our church has lost one of its best members, who always felt a deep interest in its welfare. 2nd, that his family has sustained an irrepairable loss. He was a loving husband, a kind father and the truest of Friends. 3rd, that the community has lost one of its best, most charitable and sympathetic citizens. He was big hearted, outspoken, true as steel to his friends and his convictions. He was born in Gallatin Co., Ky. Apr. 10th 1829. Lived most of his life in Fulton Co., Ky. Died Apr. 9th, 1898. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be given his family and also be entered on our church record. Done by order of the church June 12th, 1898 M. A. McDaniel - Comm. J. W. Ballow John S. Creed A true copy - M. A. McDaniel - Clerk