Record Book of Oak Grove (line drawn thru Oak Grove), Mt. Herman Christian Church - Aug. 9th, 1891 M. A. McDaniel, Church Clerk. This is written on inside front cover. *********************************************** This material was transcribed on Nov.28, 2003 from the original record by D. L. Livingston ( *********************************************** Resolution of Respect - In Memory of Bro. Sister Minnie Crenshaw Johnson - 1900 Whereas it has pleased our heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom and love, to remove from our midst our beloved sister Minnie Crenshaw Johnson,, who departed this life Apr. 13th, 1900, leaving a vacancy in our circle. Bowing humbly to our Fathers will, one can only express our love and respect for absent ones, and console the ones who miss her most. Therefore be it resolved, that the church at Mt. Herman, by the death of Sister Johnson, has lost one of its devoted and upright members. Although the hand of trial and sorrow rested heavily upon her in this life, yet as becometh all christians, she ____ its might, with meekness and Christian like fortitude. Resolved that one extend to the bereaved family our love and sympathy, And commend them to the God she loved, and may they find sweet consolation in the thought, that He in his wisdom doeth all things well, and may they mourn not as those who have no hope, but ever live and look to the great beyond, when there will be no more seperation, no more death. Resolved, that one set apart a page on our record book upon which to name with these resolutions, and that a copy be presented to the bereaved family. Mrs. Willie Carter - Committee Mrs. Annie McDaniel Mrs. Sallie Shuff A true copy - M. A. McDaniel - Clerk