IN MEMORY OF J. A. HARRISON John Alvin Harrison was born 14 Nov.1903, died Dec. 8, 1924, age 21 years. Professed faith in Christ at the age of 16 years. Joined Liberty Baptist church and was baptized by Bro. Dennington. Enlisted in the navy, Sept. 13, 1922, and served until the time of his death. He leaves mother and father, four sisters, one brother, grandfather and grandmother, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. A loss it is, for our earthly home ties are broken, our future hopes are blighted, all of our plans came to a sudden halt, for we had a loving for Alvin to make a visit home. We had hoped in every way that could be thought of, that he had escaped death, and would be spared to make the visit we so desired. He came, but, oh in quite a different way to what we had expected. We cannot understand why this is so; the more we try to solve the mystery, the more puzzled we are. If we could only become reconciled to the fact that it is for the best, or, he would not have been taken from us. God knows we are still human beings and our hearts are crushed and crying but why this sad blow. Perhaps sooner or later we will come to realize that it is best the little flower covered mound has been made. There we can visit, grow beautiful flowers, and water with our tears. His captain wrote of the good record he had made in the service of his country. This means much to us. We are more than proud of this record, and the loving expressions of those who made a home for him while away, tell us they too, loved him, he was a good brother, a loving son, he is free from all trials of this life. As we write we are thankful for the hope we have of meeting with him someday, we do not know how soon. Where or how, we will be called upon to pay the debt we owe. May Alvin's death be not in vain; may it be a warning to us to be ready when the summons will have come. By one who loved him.