Hickman High School October 2, 1930 Each class in the Hickman High School Recently elected the following officers: Freshman Class: Robert Sanger, president; Alton Roger, vice-president; Thomas Stone, secretary/treasurer. Sophomore Class: Nell White, president; Robert Kelly, vice-president; Raymond Choate, secretary/treasurer. Junior Class: Robert Travis, president; Myrtle Middleton, vice-president; Margaret Hunziker, Secretary/treasurer. Senior Class: George Buck, president; Rose Pyle, vice-president; Selma Townsend, secreatry/treasure. The following have been appointed student Libraians: Evelyn Caldwell, Frances Johnson, Rose Pyle, Louise Conn, Selma Townsend, Doris Dale Briggs and Rhee West. Item Taken from Hickman Courier "Turning Back the Clock"