Grant County, KY - Bios: Collins, John C. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Tue, 19 Jan 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ John C. COLLINS 2752, Grant Co Surname: Collins, Norton, Buskirk, Makemson, Moore, Wharton History of Lewis, Clark, Knox and Scotland Counties, Mo. by Goodspeed published 1887. Grant Co. Judge John C. Collins, a retired farmer, was born November 24, 1813, in Pendleton (now Grant) County, Ky. He came to Scotland Co., Mo in September 1836. and has acquired his education by habits of study since his maturity. He was married July 14, 1836, to Eliza J., a daughter of Lawrence and Mary (Norton) Buskirk. They had eight children: William L. (deceased), James R., George T., Judson S., Joseph H., Margaret J. (deceased) and Charles S. (deceased). The first mentioned died in the Federal service. Joseph H. is the president of a college at Springfield, ILL., and George T. is a member of the Legislature. February 5, 1882, his wife died, and October 14, 1884, he married Martha A, (Makemsom) Moore. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Our subject was a Democrat in Politics, and was elected judge of the county court in 1850, and re-elected twice afterward. He was appointed to that position under the provisional government of 1861. He was again elected in 1872, and served six years. He served as justice for about six years also. He is the sixth of seven children of Ralph and Margaret (Wharton) Collins, natives of Durham, England, and Pendleton County, Ky., respectively. His father, Ralph, took part in the battle in which Gen. St. Clair was defeated." Contributed by Jim Worthington.