Gramt County, KY - Bios: Collins, Richard D. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Wed, 14 Apr 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Richard D. COLLINS 3045, Grant Co. Surname: Collins, Durbin Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed., Grant Co. RICHARD D. COLLINS was born in Grant County, Ky., July 13, 1865, and is the eldest of five sons born to Richard L. and Elizabeth (Durbin) Collins of Grant County, Ky., and Indiana. The grandfather of our subject, John Collins, settled in Grant County with his father nearly one hundred years ago. Richard L. Collins was born in 1838, and for twenty years has runa flouring mill, called the "Crittenden Flouring Meal." His son, Ed T., now runs the mill. Hosier Durbin, Mrs. Collins' father, a native of Bourbon County, was a Methodist preacher, and was killed by lightning between North Vernon and Greensburg, Ind., in 1852. Richard D. Collins received the appointment to West Point, passed the examination, but through sickness was granted a sick leave for eight months; when he returned, was again sick and resigned. In 1885 he started in the drug business, and carries about $1,600 worth of stock. Mr. Collins is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.