Grant County, KY - Bios: Daugherty, W. H. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Fri, 15 Jan 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ W H DAUGHERTY 2742, Grant Co. Surname: Daugherty, Mozee Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. DR. W. H. DAUGHERTY. In connection with Corinth enterprises, we present a sketch of one of the most prominent citizens of the town, Dr. W. H. Daugherty. He is about 65 years of age and has always lived within five miles of his present home. He is a man of energy and enterprise, distinctively aggressive in favor of any measure or principle he espouses. He never waits to see if a measure is popular (he never courts popularity). Is it right? This decided in the affirmative he enters the fight to a finish. In religions matters, though reared a Calvinist, he is an uncompromising member of the Christian Church, though ready ever to contribute liberally to build and aid other churches. Visit his town and you see his footprints; churches built, a first-class, chartered school, a bank that is a solid institution, and many other evidences of a live business town. He has been president of the bank from its organization in 1890, in fact, organized the corporation, and is also president of the school board since its organization, spending money all the time for the school and never receiving a cent dividend, though owning probably one-half of the stock. In politics a Democrat, though he often rejects a national candidate whose platform he opposes--"a gold bug" of late years, and a bitter opponent of what he calls the "new Democracy." But always, and under all circumstances for the Grant county Democrat against all opponents. A truer friend never lived, but a foe that never tires. Corinth town and its prosperity has been his chief work for over twenty years. This county is indebted to Dr. Daugherty for the Owen county "cut-off" (Corinth and Keefer precincts). At his own expense he made the survey, had bills posted, etc., went to Frankfort and stayed for weeks until the bill was passed, and was signed by the Governor. His town once had ten bar-rooms, but for twenty years had had none, and legislation, through his persistence has been so carefully enacted, that no bar-rooms can ever likely be permitted in the town. When a member of the Legislature he acted on all questions as he believed was right. He opposed the Elliston turnpike law at Frankfort and at home, and still thinks he was right on the pike question. He voted for Senator Blackburn fifty-four times, though opposed to his "Free Silver" ideas, and he would have voted for him on any ballot to elect him, voting his party's wishes, not his own preference. The Doctor is not a rich man, but in easy circumstances. He has no children, and was married forty years ago to Miss Belle Mozee, of this county. He has used his means liberally for schools, churches and to educate orphan boys. No appeal for charity was ever refused a hearing by him. A Royal Arch Mason, though he claims to be quite rusty in Masonry, and says to be a Christian is enough. He loves his country and thinks our foreign affairs will soon be settled justly, and that a Democrat of the Carlisle school will be president "some good day," and that free trade, sound money and home rule will be the "shibboleth" of the people.