Grant County, KY - Bios: Dunlap, W. W. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Mon, 30 Aug 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ W W DUNLAP 3537, Grant Co. Surname: Dunlap, Hawkins, Childers, Conyers Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,Grant Co. W. W. DUNLAP was born in Fayette County, in 1840, a son of Alexander and Jane T. (Hawkins) Dunlap, natives of Fayette County. Alexander Dunlap represented his native county in the Legislature in 1859, and was magistrate of Grant County one term. William Dunlap, grandfather of W. W. Dunlap, and a native of Virginia, came to Lexington, Ky., many years ago. He was a farmer and butcher, and for several years was mayor of the town. W. W. Dunlap was educated at the common schools, and has always been a farmer and trader. He was taken by his parents to Grant County in 1843, where he has since resided, and now owns 100 acres of land. In 1862 he married Mary C. Childers, of Grant County, daughter of Judge Henry and Elizabeth (Conyers) Childers, of Williamstown. Eight children have blessed this union: James N., Fanny B., Edwin, Alexander G., Mildred M., William W., Katie and Annie. Politically Mr. Dunlap is a Democrat.