Grant County, KY - Bios: Glascock, J. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Wed, 19 Jan 2000 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ J. GLASCOCK 3986, Grant Co. Surname: Glascock, Johnson Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. J. GLASCOCK was born in Fleming County, Ky., March 1, 1855. His father and mother died when he was quite a child and he was left to seek his fortunes in the world alone. After a common school education, such as is the lot of farmer boys, he left the plow to take a position as salesman in Falmouth, Ky., which position he held until he came to Williamstown in 1876. Mr. Glascock was married to Miss Bettie Johnson, daughter of Dr. Johnson, proprietor of the Johnson House. To this union seven children were born, six of whom are now living, four girls and two boys. Mr. Glascock lives at the corner of Paris and Falmouth streets, and owns considerable property in farms, residences and business houses in Grant, Owen and Pendleton Counties, also notes, stocks, bonds and other securities. He has a third interest in the Williamstown and Owenton Telegraph Company, the largest independent corporation in the state, and includes all of Northern, Eastern and Western Kentucky in its connections. He is also a director and the largest stock- holder in the Grant County Deposit Bank and Building Association. Mr. Glascock has never given much time to politics, but served one term as treasurer of the county most efficiently.