Grant County, KY - Bios: Hutchinson, Fred Posted by Sandi Gorin on Fri, 18 Aug 2000 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Fred HUTCHINSON 4747, Grant Co. Surname: Hutchinson, Renaker, Myers NOTE: I have no connection and no further information. Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. FRED HUTCHINSON is in his thirty-first year, having been born in 1870. He is the son of the late James Hutchinson, there being but two children in the family, himself and Mrs. Maud Renaker, the wife of R. L. Renaker. Fred succeeded to his father's business at Dry Ridge after his death, both in his livery stable and his saloon. A partnership was formed between him and R. L. Renaker in the latter branch of the trade, which still exists, but the livery and feed business is run solely by Fred. There is perhaps no man in Grant County--certainly not in Dry Ridge--who is more widely popular than he is. Of a genial disposition, ready at all times to help out a worthy cause, either by influence or by money, he has won to him nearly all with whom he has come in contact, and made them fast friends for life. He is also a leading member of the Red Men's Lodge at Dry Ridge, having been chosen for the Prophet when the Lodge was organized. Fred was married to Miss Susie Myers, of Felicity, Ohio, in 1895, a lady who has won for herself a friend in almost every man, woman and child in Dry Ridge. They are parents of one child, a beautiful little daughter, Marie, who came to make glad their home some four years ago, and she is the pet of the village. Fred is possessed of a beautiful home in the north end of the town. He is a lover of animal pets, and frequently has a collection around the house. He is also a connoisseur of good horses, and like most Kentuckians, likes to see them move on the track.