Grant County, KY - Bios: Humlong, J. H. Saturday, April 8, 2000 Submitted by; (Sandi Gorin) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ J. H. HUMLONG 4272, Grant Co. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Sat, 08 Apr 2000 Surname: Humlong, Willis, Elliston, Stratton, Needham Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. J. H. HUMLONG, while not "to the manor born" is a Grant county citizen who has the highest regard of his neighbors and friends. He comes of sturdy stock and was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, October 4, 1848. Like so many other men who have made their mark in the world, he was born and raised on a farm. He secured his education by attending school in the winter time. During the summer months his labor was needed on the farm to assist in the planting and harvesting of the crops. He attended the college at Augusta one year and then spent one year in the Kentucky University. After completing his education he spent four years in the County and Circuit Court Clerk's office of Bracken county. Mr. Humlong in his early life caught the Western fever, which was then so prevalent, and "went West". He spent nine years in the western part of Nebraska and Kansas, homesteading a claim. There his children were born, and his first wife, a daughter of the late Judge Willis, of Bracken county, and a sister of Mr. R. H. Elliston, died. That part of the West was not as attractive in those early days as it has gotten to be since. With his two lovely little girls he came back to Kentucky in 1889 and located in Williamstown, the next January taking a position as assistant cashier with the Bank of Williamstown. That position he held until the resignation of Tim Needham, July 1, 1897, when he was elected cashier, and that position he has held until this day. Both as assistant cashier and as cashier he has proven himself to be a very popular official, and has the good will and the highest regard of the management of the bank and all of the many who have to do with it. Mr. Humlong became a member of the Christian Church in 1869 and has been an active church worker with that denomination ever since. He has been a friend to popular education and his oldest daughter is now a teacher in the Williamstown Graded Free School. Some years ago he united in marriage with Miss Lizzie Stratton, daughter of the late lamented H. D. Stratton, and together with his wife and two daughters, who are both about grown, live an ideal life at their cottage on Cynthiana street. ================================================================================================