Grant County, KY - Bios: Loomis, J. F. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Wed, 12 Jan 2000 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ J. F. LOOMIS 3962, Grant Co. Surname: Loomis, Pettit, Neal Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. DR. J. F. LOOMIS of Independence, Kentucky, is the eldest son of E. K. Loomis and Fannie Loomis, and was born near the Grant County line in Pendleton County, July 27, 1864. He moved to Grant County with his father's family when one year of age. His mother died, and he was left an orphan at the early age of six years. His father married again in 1873 and moved to a farm near Heekin in Grant County, where his childhood days were spent on his father's farm and in attending the common schools of the neighborhood. At the age of twenty he entered the High School at Crittenden under the tutelage of Rev. N. S. Pettit. The next winter he taught a common school in Grant County, and the next year attended Georgetown College and the next season the National Normal College, where he received the degree of B. D. Doctor Loomis began the study of medicine in 1887, and the same year taught a public school at Holbrook, Grant County. In January, 1888, he entered the Kentucky School of Medicine and Surgery at Louisville and graduated with the class of 1890, representing the class as valedictorian. Armed with his diploma he went forth into the world to practice his chosen profession, and located at Goforth, in Pendleton County, Kentucky. After two years of practice he moved to Independence, Kentucky, the beautiful little county-seat of Kenton County, and there engaged in the practice of his profession, and there he still remains in the enjoyment of one of the largest clienteles and the confidence and respect of all who happen to know him. In the few short years he has been at Independence he has accumulated some of this world's goods. He is the owner of a fine farm on the outskirts of the town of 140 acres, worth $100.00 per acre, and has other paying investments, and is considered quite well off in this world's goods. In August, 1890, he was united in marriage to Miss Kate Neal of Winchester, Kentucky, daughter of Captain James G. Neal. Two bright boys have blessed this union--Neal M., aged seven years, and E. Russell, aged four years. The Doctor has been a consistent member of the Baptist Church for eighteen years, and a deacon in his home church for nine years. Has been an active member of the F. and A. M. for six years and an Odd Fellow for four years. He has been Executive Health Officer of Kenton County for the past four years, and has been the chairman of town Board Trustees of Independence for the past eight years. Dr. Loomis is a big-hearted and big-brained Kentuckian, and has well merited all of the good fortune that has been his portion. We know him well, and why he has succeeded so abundantly.