Grant County, KY - Bios: McBee, William Posted by Sandi Gorin on Thu, 23 Dec 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ William McBEE 3935, Grant Co. Surname: McBee, Cannon, Tungate Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed., 1887, Grant Co. WILLIAM McBEE, a native of Grant County, Ky., was born in 1843, and is the second in a family of six children born to Walter and Sallie (Cannon) McBee, natives of Maryland. They are members of the Baptist Church. William McBee was reared on a farm, received his education in Grant County, and began life as a farmer. In 1862 he enlisted in the Fifth Kentucky Confederate Regiment, under command of Col. D. H. Smith, in Kirby Smith's division, but was transferred to Morgan's command. He was captured by the Federal soldiers at Buffington Island, held twenty-one months, and exchanged at Richmond, Va., March 16, 1865. July 4, 1865, he returned to Kentucky, and began farming, which he has since followed, and was trustee of schools for seven years. In 1867 he married, in the city of Covington, Miss Evaline Tungate, daughter of John and Sarah (McBee) Tungate. John Tungate was born in 1815, and died on April 23, 1887. His widow, Sarah Tungate, was born in 1823, and still survives her husband. She is a member of the Baptist Church, as is also her daughter, Mrs. Evaline McBee, who was born in 1837. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. William McBee, viz: Florence, born December 18, 1868; Lizzie P., born November 29, 1870, Ollie, born March 16, 1873; Kirby S., born May 16, 1875, and Cora L., born April 14, 1879. Following is a family record for over a century: Phillip McBee was born in Maryland, August 31, 1875; died March 25, 1864. Susannah McBee was born in Maryland, March 7, 1788; died March 3, 1865. Walter McBee was born February 24, 1816; Sarah McBee (Cannon) was born October 8, 1817; the following five are their children: Mary E., born August 25, 1840; William, born August 19, 1843; Hattie, born June 19, 1845; John, born December 24, 1850 and Carry, born October 31,1855. Henrietta McBee, born March 23, 1809. Thomas McBee was born February 8, 1811. Phillip McBee., Jr., was born April 24, 1813. William McBee, Sr., was born November 22, 1814. Alexander McBee was born September 28, 1817. Robert McBee was born June 28, 1819. Sarah McBee was born April 20, 1821. Susan McBee was born May 31, 1824. Jeremiah McBee was born March 11, 1826. Mary E. McBee was born February 28, 1828. John McBee, Sr., was born November 24, 1830. The parents of William McBee, Sarah Ann Cannon and Walter McBee, were married January 17, 1839. The parents of Eva McBee, John Tungate and Sarah Ann McBee, were married December 21, 1838. [John Tungate died April 21, 1887. This book was presented to Kirby Smith McBee, A.D. 1887, the year of its publication.]