Grant County, KY - Bios: McClure, M. E. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Wed, 22 Sep 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ M. E. McCLURE 3625, Grant Co. Surname: McClure, Hogan, Atkins Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. M. E. McCLURE. The youngest man engaged in any mercantile business in the county is M. E. McClure, of Dry Ridge, the subject of this sketch. He is the youngest child of Moses McClure, a representative citizen of Dry Ridge, and excellent farmer and a man esteemed by all his neighbors. Elwood, as he is familiarly called, began his existence in this world July 26, 1878. His first schooling began at Maysville at the age of 8, where he remained three years. Afterward he was sent to Pewee Valley, where he took a course in the Kentucky Female College. In 1893 he entered the freshman class of Centre College at Danville, and remained a student at that school for three years, but was forced to discontinue his studies on account of ill health. On the 20th of April, 1900, he began in the grocery business in Dry Ridge. He bought out the grocery of Jerry Atkins, with all its fixtures, and has run it in a most creditable manner since. He handles at all times a splendid stock of groceries, the most up-to-date green goods and vegetables of the season, and his store is a recognized place for the epicureans of Dry Ridge and vicinity to find what they want. March the 20th of this year Elwood was married to Miss Edith Hogan, one of Williamstown's fairest daughters. They are living at his father's, near Dry Ridge, and, still being in the honeymoon stage, are supremely happy. Elwood is a genial, generous young man, with many fine qualities and few faults. He is a leading member of the Red Men's Lodge at Dry Ridge and of the Knights of Pythias at Williamstown.