Grant County, KY - Bios: Moore Family Posted by Sandi Gorin on Fri, 16 Apr 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ MOORE Family 3056, Grant Co. Surname: Moore, Rednower Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. THE MOORE HOUSE. There is nothing that claims the attention of the outside world to a town so much as a good up-to-date hotel. Williamstown has such a place in the Moore House. Built in 1898, its doors were opened to the public December 12, of that year. The Moore House is a frame building, three stories high, with many beautiful and commodious rooms, heated with a hot air furnace, and is complete in every detail. Before the Moore House was established drummers gave this place a wide berth, but since its establishment the traveling men who weekly invest Williamstown find a pleasant and comfortable stopping place there. Many a drummer, who formerly made it a rule to drive over to Dry Ridge or Corinth, rather than spend a night in Williamstown, now makes it a rule to get there for the night. Besides the traveling public there are several regular guests at the hotel who make it their home throughout the year. The rooms are clean and spotless, and the beds are soft and comfortable. The culinary department of the hotel is in charge of Mr. Moore's excellent wife and her mother, Mrs. George Rednower, who superintend the cooking and see that everything is just as it should be. Meals are served on the American plan, and the best that can be found in the market is always to be had for the asking. Rates of board are $2 a day for the transient guest, while a special rate is given those who remain a week or more at a time. Mr. Moore was the first and only hotel keeper in Williamstown to place for use before the public a hack of the omnibus style. This hack meets all trains at the station, and all guests of the house are given free use of it. In connection with the hotel Mr. Moore runs a first class livery and feed stable, in which are kept a number of handsome traps, buggies and carriages, and also a splendid equipment of driving and saddle horses, which he hires or rents to all who may desire them. He is willing at any and all times to put himself out to give a customer comfort and good treatment. Mr. Moore comes of prolific stock. He was born March 29, 1863, and is the son of J. T. Moore, who was the father of 14 children, eight boys and six girls, eight of whom are yet living. He was born and reared in Pendleton county. In religion he is a Baptist and politics a Democrat. He was married in January, 1882, to Miss Georgiana Rednower, a very handsome and most excellent lady, and the daughter of G. W. Rednower, of this city. Three children have blessed their union, only one of whom survives. Prior to his coming to Williamstown he was a farmer, but he has proven himself an excellent land-lord in every particular