Grant County, KY - Bios: O'Hara, R. H. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Thu, 22 Jul 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ R. H. OHARA 3404, Grant Co. Surname: Ohara, Johnson, Carter Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed.,Grant Co. DR. R. H. O'HARA was born in Owen County, Ky., in 1838, and is a son of James and Lucy (Hardy) O'Hara. James O'Hara, a native of Ireland, came to America in 1798, located first in Maryland, and came to Kentucky in 1820. He settled in Woodford County, where he studied law, then removed to Owen County, where he practiced his profession. Mrs. Lucy O'Hara came from Scott County, Ky. Dr. R. H. O'Hara was educated at St. Joseph's College at Somerset, Ohio, where he graduated in 1858. He attended the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, graduated in 1865, and the same year went to Williamstown, Ky., where he practiced until 1878, when he opened a drug store in connection with his practice. In 1869 he married Martha Johnson, of Grant County, Ky., a daughter of Dr. James A. and Elizabeth (Carter) Johnson. Two children have blessed this union: Edward and James. Politically Mr. O'Hara is a Democrat.