Grant County, KY - Bios: Ransom, Sid Posted by Sandi Gorin on Thu, 22 Jul 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Sid RANSOM 3405, Grant Co. Surname: Ransom, Stroud, Franks, Hackett, Dickerson Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. SID RANSOM. It goes without saying that Sid Ransom is a self-made young man, who is making his way in the world with rapid strides, and will some day, if no misfortune befalls him, be in a position to live on "easy street". He is a son of William and America Ransom, and was born in Grant County, May 6, 1872, and the early part of his life was spent on a farm. He eventually came to Williamstown and opened a saloon in the building now occupied by William Stroud, which he conducted successfully for many years. His next departure was the saloon business, which was run in connection with the Johnson House, W. C. Franks then being the landlord of that hostelry. Mr. Ransom was united in marriage to Miss Bessie Franks, the charming daughter of W. C. Franks, on July 1, 1898, and after the latter abandoned the hotel business he moved to Mt. Zion and again engaged in business with Mr. Ransom. A short time afterward, Sid and his wife removed to Williamstown and he opened his present place of business on Main Street, where he enjoys a large and increasing trade, handling a fine line of liquors, cigars and tobacco. Mr. T. J. Hackett, of Brooksville, well known here, was employed as barkeeper May 14 and invites all his friends to call and see him at Ransom's. Sid Ransom is a clever, accommodating and popular young man, liberal with his money, peaceful and conservative, and with his wife lives happily in the neat frame cottage of W. W. Dickerson on the north end of town.