Grant County, KY - Bios: Renaker, P. J. Saturday, April 8, 2000 Submitted by: (Sandi Gorin) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Paul J. RENAKER 4274, Grant Co. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Sat, 08 Apr 2000 Surname: Renaker, Lemon, Boyers, Hutchinson Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. P. J. RENAKER. There are many successful tillers of the soil in Grant County, men who have planted and sowed and reaped the fruits of their industry, and who have grown independent as a result of years of toil. But within her borders there is perhaps no farmer who has gained greater wealth, who has been a more exemplary citizen, friend and neighbor than Paul J. Renaker, of Dry Ridge. His grandfather was a native of Maryland and removed to Kentucky about the year 1790, locating near what is now Cynthiana. He was married to Elizabeth Lemon, and to their union six children, five boys and one girl, were born. Their names were George, John, Jacob, Paul, Noah and Millie. P. J. Renaker is a son of Paul, and his mother's maiden name was Katie Boyers, a sister of Esau Boyers, who was once a resident of Williamstown. Seven children were born to them, four of whom were reared to manhood. They were Jacob, who died last year, and was reputed to be the wealthiest man in the county at the time of his death; Paul, the subject of this sketch; Noah and William. Paul, the subject of this sketch, was married in the year 1857 to Mary Hutchinson, and to their union ten children were born. Five of them are still living, their names being Letha, Lizzie, Edward, Charley and Boyers. The others died when small with the exception of Maggie, who died two years ago. Mr. Renaker is now in his sixty-seventh year, and was the product of Harrison County. At the age of twenty he removed to Grant County and to the same farm on which he still lives. He has been a farmer all his life and now owns several hundred acres of as fine land as can be found in this county, which is as good as there is anywhere. While a farmer, and while never having been engaged in any other pursuit than farming, he has always been a leader in what he believed would promote the common welfare or be of benefit to humanity in general. He was one of the organizers of the Dry Ridge Deposit Bank in 1891, and was elected by the stockholders President, has remained its President ever since. The bank is one of the safest institutions in the county, and much of its success is due to the competent management of its board of directors and it officers. In religion Me. Renaker is a Baptist of the old school, both he and his good wife having joined the Primitive Baptist Church in the year 1865 at Williamstown, and for more than thirty-five years they have been workers in that church. They helped to constitute the Primitive Baptist Church in Dry Ridge, where they now hold membership. In politics Mr. Renaker is a Democrat, because he believes Democracy is right, and has brought his boys up in his faith. Mr. Renaker is liberal in all his dealings with men. He is an obliging neighbor, a sympathetic friend, and as true a Christian gentleman as can be found anywhere. ================================================================================================