Grant Coutny, KY - Bios: Stratton, W. P. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Fri, 29 Jan 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ W P STRATTON 2794, Grant Co. Surname: Stratton, Charbonneau, Jeffers, Zinn Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. W. P. STRATTON. Like father like son, is a saying that is as old as the hills, and one which is fully illustrated in the history of W. P. Stratton, the grocer of North Main Street, who has catered to the better class of Williamstown people for nearly twenty years. Born October 9, 1853, he secured a common school education and grew up like most country boys of that day and generation. His father was the Hon. H. D. Stratton, for many years the Superintendent of Schools of Grant County, besides being in his day one of the leading teachers in the county. Will was given the best education that the common schools afforded, besides what assistance his father was able to render him in that line. His start as a business man began with a clerkship with D. J. Charbonneau, with whom he remained four months. Later he entered the store of N. H. Jeffers and remained with him four years, after which he served P. T. Zinn as clerk for one year. In February, 1882, he entered business for himself, establishing a grocery, and ever since that time he has sold groceries to the people of Williamstown. He is noted for his sterling honesty and close application to business principles, which have been instilled in him since his youth, and his recommendation of an article in his store is recognized as a sufficient guarantee of it qualities. He has a trade which no one is able to get from him, and which has grown into large proportions for a country town. There is no man in the town more esteemed than he, and no one who has more friends and fewer enemies. His is a stickler after first class goods and allows none but that kind to fill his shelves, believing that there is more satisfaction in that grade in the long run than in any other. He deals exclusively in groceries and farm seed and always keeps a full line of the best of that kind of goods on hand. He is a bachelor.