Grant County, KY - Bios: Smith, E. H. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Wed, 26 May 1999 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ E. H. SMITH 3199, Grant Co. Surname: Smith, Milzener, Ohara, Hogan, Needham Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed., 1887, Grant Co. E. H. Smith was born in Barren County, Ky., December 1, 1827, and is the twelfth of a family of sixteen born to Elias and Elizabeth (Milzener) Smith. Elias Smith was born in Lincoln County, Ky.; was engaged in agricultural pursuits all his life, and was a son of Reuben Smith, who was born in Virginia, but was one of the first settlers in Lincoln County, Ky. He was a farmer and stock raiser. Mrs. Elizabeth was a native of Anderson County, Ky. E. H. Smith was reared in Barren County, Ky., and received a good common- school education. In 1847 he commenced writing in the circuit and county clerk's office in Grant County, and remained until 1852, then went to Kenton County, Ky., and was deputy circuit clerk for one year, and in March, 1855, moved to Grant County, Ky. He read law, and was admitted to the bar in 1855, and practiced up to 1858, then was elected county clerk, and served one term, giving universal satisfaction. In 1863 he represented Grant County in the Legislature, and is one of the leading Republicans of Kentucky. His criminal practice has been very large, he having prosecuted and defended in as many important cases as any lawyer in Kentucky. He was married July, 1850, to Sallie C. Ohara, who was born in Owen County, Ky., a daughter of James Ohara. Four children have blessed this union: Lucy, Kate, Helen M. and James W. Lucy married Dr. O. P. Hogan, Jr., and had three children: Overton P., Elihu and Willie. Kate married Tim Needham, and had one child--Hubbard S., Helen M. is unmarried, and James W. died May 29, 1885. Mr. Smith is a member of Centurion Lodge, No. 100, I.O.O.F., located in Williamstown. His wife is a member of the Catholic Church. Mr. Smith has recently retired from the practice of law, and now employs his time by riding over and conducting his two large farms in Grant County, which comprise 1,600 acres. At the organization of the Bank of Williamstown he became president and has since retained that position.