Grant County, KY - Bios: Wilson, John M. Posted by Sandi Gorin on Mon, 25 Sep 2000 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ John M. WILSON 4867, Grant Co. Surname: Wilson, Thomas, Pickett, Snell, Kerr, Fry NOTE: I have no connection and no further information. Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed., 1887, Grant Co. DR. JOHN M. WILSON was born in Falmouth, Pendleton Co., Ky., March 7, 1832, and is a son of Dr. James and Zerilda S. (Thomas) Wilson, also natives of Pendleton County. James Wilson was born near Falmouth, and was a son of James and Agnes (Pickett) Wilson, natives of Virginia, the former a captain in the Revolutionary war. The great-grandfather of our subject was a native of England, and came to this country with two brothers, who were separated by the war for independence and never met again. Mrs. Zerilda Wilson, a daughter of James and Mary (Snell) Thomas, was born in 1815, and is still living. Dr. James Wilson was twice elected to the Legislature, and served in 1863-64 and 1864-65. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died in 1881. Dr. John M. Wilson was educated in the academy at Falmouth, and then entered the Ohio Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1854. He first located at Falmouth; from there removed to Flour Creek, Pendleton County, and in 1857 settled in Williamstown, Grant County, where he has since lived, engaged in the practice of his profession. He is a Republican in politics, and at present is the nominee of his party for representative. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South and also of the Good Templar fraternity and Odd Fellows. May 15, 1860, he married Miss Nannie Kerr, of Fayette County, Ky., daughter of John and Rachel (Fry) Kerr, natives of Fayette County. Mrs. Wilson was born in 1838, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Nine children have blessed this union: Corinne, James (deceased), John B. (deceased), Theodore (deceased), Eugene K., Nannie B., Maud, Lenore and Emma.