Mercer-Grant-Anderson County KyArchives Deed.....Walden, Atterson - McGinnis, Et Al June 6 1833 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Deppner September 27, 2004, 11:26 pm Written: June 6 1833 Recorded: April 28 1834 Book 18, page 502 McGinnis Heirs to Walden Fees & Tax pd $2.57 This Indenture made and entered into this 6th day of June in the year of Our Lord 1833 between Thomas T. McGinnis and Betsy his wife, William McGinnis and Betsy his wife, John McGinnis and Sally his wife, Jarvis H. Hawkins and Nancy his wife, Erasmus McGinnis and Mary Hannah his wife all [of] the state of Kentucky and heirs and representatives of Thomas McGinnis Dec'd of the one part and Atterson L. Walden of the other part. Witnesseth that the said heirs and representatives of McGinnis Dec'd for and in consideration of 1264 Dollars and 50 cents to them in hand paid and secured to be paid by said Walden the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey to the said Walden his [heirs] and assigns forever the following Tract or parcel of land lying situate and being in the county of Mercer and State of Kentucky and waters of Cane Run and bounded as follows, to wit, Beginning at a stone standing N20W 10 feet from a marked sugar tree thence N1-1/2W 112 poles 2 links to a white Oak on the south side of McCoys small road thence with said road S83-1/2W ?? poles [the figure is in the center binding and hard to read] to a stake standing about 10 feet South of a white oak stump corner to Thompson or Timberlack thence with Timberlakes line S-1/2E 112 poles ? links to a stake stake in Haggins line corner to s'd Thompson or Timberlake thence in the said Haggins line N88-1/2E 214 poles to the beginning containing one hundred and fifty one acres and three quarters. To have and to hold five sixths of the said Tract or parcel of land with all and Singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appurtaining to the s'd Walden his heirs & assigns forever and the said Thomas T. McGinnis and Betsy his wife, Wm. McGinnis and Betsy his wife, John McGinnis and Sally his wife, Jarvis Hawkins and Nancy his wife and Erasmus G. McGinnis and Mary Hannah his wife all heirs & representatives of Thomas McGinnis Dec'd hereby covenant to and with the said Walden that they will forever warrant and defend this title to five sixths of Said land, one Sixth having descended to said Walden & wife against the claim or claims of all and any person Whatsoever. In Witness whereof the said Thomas McGinnis and Betsy his wife, Wm. McGinnis and Betsy his wife, John McGinnis and Sally his wife, Jarvis H. Hawkins and Nancy his wife and Erasmus G. McGinnis and Mary Hannah his wife have hereto set their hands and seals this day and date above written. Signed Sealed and Ackn-) owledged in presence of) Thomas T. McGinnis (Seal) Elizabeth McGinnis (Seal) John McGinnis (Seal) Sally McGinnis (Seal) Elizabeth (her X mark) McGinnis (Seal) Jarvis H. Hawkins (Seal) William McGinnis (Seal) Nancy Hawkins (Seal) E. McGinnis (Seal) M. H. McGinnis (Seal) State of Kentucky, Grant County Sct. I Hubbard B. Smith Clerk of the court for the county afs'd do certify that this deed from Thomas McGinnis & Elizabeth his wife and others heirs and representatives of Thomas McGinnis Dec'd to Atterson L. Walden was this day produced before me in my office and acknowledged by Thomas McGinnis & Elizabeth his wife and Jarvis H. Hawkins and Nancy his wife four of the grantors to be their act and deed they the said Elizabeth and Nancy being first by me privily examined separate and apart from their husbands and the same being explained to them again acknowledged the same of their own free consenteth that the same ["consenteth that the same" is crossed out] will and acord and wishes not to retract it & consenteth that the Same may be recorded all of which is hereby certified to the Clerk of Mercer County where the land lays there to be recorded. Given from under my hand as clerk afs'd this 23rd day of November 1833. H. B. Smith Commonwealth of Kentucky, Woodford county Sct. I John McKinny Clerk of the county court for the county afs'd do certify that this deed from Thomas McGinnis and others heirs and representatives of Thomas McGinnis Dec'd to Atterson L. Walden was this day produced to me in my office and acknowledged by Erasmus G. McGinnis to be his act and deed and Mary Hannah McGinnis being examined by me privily and apart from her husband declared that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver the Said Writing and wishes not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing again Shown and explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth that the same may be recorded all of which is hereby certified to the clerk of Mercer County court where the land lies for record. Given under my hand this 4th day of December 1833. John McKinny Jr CWCC State of Kentucky, Grant [crossed out] Anderson County Sct I Jordan H. Walker clerk of the county court for the county afs'd do certify that this deed from Thomas McGinnis and others [heirs] and representatives of this [crossed out] Thomas McGinnis Dec'd to Atterson L. Walden was on the 26th day of December 1833 produced to me in my office and acknowledged by John McGinnis to be his act and deed and Sally McGinnis his wife being examined by me privily and apart from her husband declared that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver the s'd writing and wishes not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing again shown and explained to her to be [this is the bottom of page 503; the next page repeats part of this certificate] examined before my privily and apart from her husband and declared that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver said writing and wishes not to retract it and acknolwedged the Same again Shown and explained to her to be her act and deed consenteth that the same may be recorded and on the the 2nd day of April 1834 Wm. McGinnis acknowledged the s'd writing to be his act and deed all of which is certified to the clerk of the Mercer County court where the land lies for record. Given under my hand this 2nd day of April 1834. J. H. Walker Clk Mercer County Sct, April 28th 1834 This within Indenture was this day produced to me in my office and with the certificate thereon I have made of rec'd. Att. Tho. Allin CC This file has been created by a form at