NEWS: PRICE & COLLINSWORTH, 1901, Grant Co. submitted by: "Jennifer E. Black" I don't know if this is of interest, but I came across it awhile back and I posted it. If it is let me know, because I have another one that concerns the murder of my great uncle in Magoffin County. This article was found in the Williamstown Courier, (Grant County, KY) Thursday, August 22, 1901. The person listed as G.W. Collinsworth is believed to be George W. Collinsworth. I am not sure how he is related to me, but I thought I would put this on the site so that everyone could enjoy it. The clip at the bottom was added just for humor. BULLETS Flew Like Hail, Almost a Tragedy But No One Hurt Several weeks ago Mrs. Louise Price, wife of Al Price, swore out a warrant against G. W. Collinsworth, charging him with using abusive and insulting language. Trial came all in the Quarterly Court last Monday. Collinsworth was found guilty and fined twenty dollars and trimmings. That night Collinsworth filled up on bad liquor and when he reached home he was almost crazed. He (unintelligible) to have it out with her. Securing a big revolver he started on the war path. He found Mr. and Mrs. Price near their home and opened fire on them. Price retaliated as best he could. He got hold of an old pistol with a crooked barrel, and to this he attributes his lack of marksmanship. Both men emptied their revolvers. For a time there was a wild scene in the quiet country neighborhood. Bullets flew thick as lead. One bullet cut the string of Mrs. Cummins bonnet. It was also reported that she was shot through the hand, but this seems to have been a mistake. Collinsworth was too drunk to shoot straight. Tuesday Price came to town for a warrant for Collinsworth. He carried a double barreled shot gun with him for protection. He had three warrants issued for Collinsworth, one for concealed weapons, one for malicious shooting and another binding him over to keep the peace. He was found at his home by an officer, arrested and released on bond. Underneath this article there is a clip that states: These famous little pills DeWitt's Little Early Risers compel your liver and bowels to do their duty, thus giving you pure, rich blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. James A. O'Hara. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************