Grant County, KY - Wills: Wilson, Hiram, 1864 Saturday, November 11, 2000 submitted by: (Sue Pearson Carpenter) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Grant County, KY Will Book E., pg 281 Will dated 25 Dec 1863 Recorded January 07, 1864, Grant County, Kentucky The Last Will and Testament of Hiram Wilson In the name of God amen this 25th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty Three. I Hiram Wilson of the County of Grant and State of Kentucky. Gentlemen, being though the blessings of god in a mind stable of mind and memory, but calling to mind the frail tenure of Life and that it is appointed to all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it. And my body I leave to the entire discretion of my friends. With respect to my worldly Estate. I give and bequeath and dispose of it in the manner and proportions here following: 1st I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Courtney one hundred of Land that I live on and all of the personal Estate after paying all of my just debts during her natural life and at her death I want the Children that is unmarried to have one hundred Dollars apiece out of the personal Estate if there is enough and if not to be made up out of the Land As I give Nelson, Jane, and Emily, that married above one hundred Dollar apiece and the balance of my Estate I want it equally divided between all of my children Except Nelson. I will to him Twenty five acres of Land that I bought of Gidion Kinman. I ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereinto set my hand and seal the day and year wrote in written. Hiram Wilson Witnessed in the presence of us the Subscribers: John Conn David Hutton J. H. King. I appoint my beloved wife, Courtny my Executrix without Bounty. Hiram Wilson (there is some writing at the bottom of the page, illegible. I can make out the probate date, "May Term 1864 and Thos. A. Franklin") Illeg. Probate: Book B page 62 or 82 Grant County, Kentucky By virtue of an Order of the Grant County Court made at its August term 1876 was Martin Holbrook, Allen Holbrook and S. Rose did ___ lands of Hiram Wilson dec'd. after being duly sworn with due regard qualify, did ________ to the division of said land as follows: Lot No. 1 allotted to John Willson . . . Lot No. 2 allotted to Relda Lyons . . . Lot No. 3 allotted to Julia Roland . . . Lot No. 4 Allotted to Jane Jump . . . Lot No. 5 allotted to Hiram Wilson . . . Lot No. 6 allotted to Ella Conn . . . Lot No. 7 allotted to Lucy A. Willson . . . Lot No. 8 allotted to Elizabeth Kinman . . . Lot No. 9 to Mary Kinman Hiram Wilson is buried in the Wilson Burying Ground, often called the Kinman Burying Ground on [1] Kinman Burying Ground seen here refers to the Wilson Burying Ground in Golds Valley, Grant County, KY.