Hardin County KyArchives Military Records.....Cash, Warren March 4, 1834 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia O'Connor p-oconnor@att.net March 19, 2007, 1:13 pm Transcription Warren CASH RW pension [Transcriber' s note: This file has the page on back bleeding through and is very difficult to read. Even the typed letter from the War Department is almost impossible] VA CASH, Warren S. 10431 Kentucky Warren CASH of Hardin in the State of Kentucky who was a Private in the compy commanded by Captain IOUETT?? of the Regt commanded by Col DANGERFIELD in the Virginia line for 2 years from 1776 Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 80 Dollars Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1834 Certificate of Pension issued the 12th day of Nov. 1832 and sent to Thos CHILTON, Elizabeth Town, Ky Arrears to 4th of Sept 1832 120. Semi anl allowance ending 4 40. March 1833 $160. Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832 Recorded by Nathan RICE clk Book D Vol 9 Page 34 Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th of June 1832 - in Relation to Soldiers of the revolutionary war. State of Kentucky County of Hardin On this 20th day of August in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & thirty two, personally appeared before the Honorable Justices of the Hardin County Court, (the same being a Court of record, having a clerk & seal) Warren CASH, a resident of Hardin County and state of Kentucky aforesaid, aged seventy two years on the 4th day of April last said, who bing first duly sworn according to Law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the pension made by the ack of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he Enlisted in the Army of the United States in the year 1776 in the month of August for the term of Two years or rather in the two years service. The regiment to which he belonged was enlisted originally for two years - one year of which had _____ when this Declarant entered the Service. he enlisted with Captain _______ Gouett ? and ____ in the 7th Virginia Regiment which was in the fall of 1777 and on the continental establishment with the following named officers When the Regiment was first raised it was commanded by a Col DANGERFIELD who subsequently left the Same, and it was placed under the command of CP Alexander McCLANAHAN who continued in command up to the time at which his first tour of enlistment expired. There was a Major NELSON belonging to Said Regiment who was subsequently ordered to the _____ of Lieutenant Colonel GOUETT - was his Captain John THOMPSON Lieutenant - who resigned and a certain Griffin FAUNTLEROY was made Lieutenant in his place. The name o f the ensign of the Company was ___ HERENTISLED ? in Charlottsville - Albemarle County, and state of Virginia, in which County and state he resided at the time, and was at Charlottsville guarding some prisoners, British & Scotch, taken at Norfolk. At this time the celebrated Trey GA____ was in confinement in Charlottsville in the House of old Wm JOUETT father of Captain Mat JOUETT. During his first term of Enlistment he was in no engagement or battles he marched through Louisa County - However - thence into New Kent County thence into James City County passing through Williamsburgh into York County and through Gloucester County down to Guinns Island at which place the troops _____ ____ ____ engagement with Division and driven him out, a short time before this applicant reached that place. From Guninns Island we were marched up to York Town, from thence to Williamsburgh, where we remained until we took up winter quartes and having after Christmas been marched back to York Town, we tarried there a few days and were then ordered to the North passing various places too numerous to mention until in the month of February 1777, we reached Philadelphia where the regiment was, by order of Genl WASHINGTON Inoculated for the Small pox. On the 27th day of March 1777, this Applicant and many others reenliste at Philadelphia for the term of three years, under the same officers, in the same Company and Regiment from Philadelphia in the month of May, we were marched through Trenton - Princeton, Somersete and a small place called Placemain ___ at length reached Bonbrook in the _____ the same day on which General LINCOLN and his men were _______, by the British force ________- From Bonbrook, we were marched to Morris Town where Genl WASHINGTON had his head quarters during this winter ______. This applicant states that he seved out the term of his Enlistment, and his service cl____ in Philacelphia where he had reenlisted in 1777. His first term of Enlistment, it will be perceived had not fully expires when he reenlisted, nor were any regular discharges fiven to those who did reenlist, that when his second enlistment was out, he was regularly discharged by Col FULERING, to whom that duty was assigned by Gen WASHINGTON and the troops company to which this applicant belonged were marched from Philadelphia to Alexandria by Capt OCERTON, who presented the discharges to the troops. He states that in the year 1784, he removed to Kentucky in which state he has resided ever since. That in removing, being greatly exposed to rain ______, he lost his discharge as he supposes never having been since able to find it. He states that beside several slight skirmishes with the enemy in which he was engaged during his second Enlistment, he was in two general battles to wit The Battle of Brandywine on the 11th [17th?] Sept 1777 and the Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey on the 28th June 1778 in each of which e honorably discharged his duty as a Soldier. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present and he declares his name is not on the Pension roll of any agency in any state whatever. Subscribed & sworn to the day and year afsd Warren CASH Transcribed by Patricia O'Connor p-oconnor@att. net File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/hardin/military/revwar/pensions/cash1273gmt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/