ESTATE: of David May, 1798, Hardin Co., KY ESTATE: John Carr, 1803, Hardin Co., KY ESTATE: Henry Frakes, 1803, Hardin Co., KY DOWER LAND: Mary Enlow, widow of Isom, 1817,Hardin Co., KY ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Submitted by: Anne Date: 10 Feb 2001 ********************************************************************** Hardin Co. Will Book A p.64 Appraisal of the estate of DAVID MAY returned to court Included were One Negroe man named ANDREW 50-0-0 One Negro Man named PATRICK 100-0-0 One Negro Woman named MELLIA 30-0-0 One Negro Woman named JUDEA (?) (may begin with S and end in ia) 30-00-0 One Negroe boy named MARK 20-0-0 Total of Inventory 393-9-0 Returned by ISOM ENLOW JOSEPH KIRKPATRICK DANIEL WADE Recorded 6 March 1798 Hardin Co. KY Court Hardin Co. Will Book A p. 163 Inventory Returned 22 Jan 1802 by JACOB ENLOW, GEORGE H. HOWARD & NICHOLAS MILLER for the Goods & CHATTELS of JOHN CARR, Deceased - included notes as follows: one note on JOSEPH PUGUAY (?) (one of the FUQUAYS?) $3.10 One note on JOHN ROBERTSON $3.08 One note on JAMES SHARK $15.00 One note on JOSEPH ENLOW $7.10 One note on JOSEPH DENIS $1.10 Recorded Hardin Co. Court 21 Feb 1803 Hardin Co. Will Book A p. 177 Appraisement of the estate of HENRY FRAKES deceased (amount unreadable) to Jacob ENLOW and Christopher BUSH Cash paid to Michael MATHENEY 4 pounds 6 shillings Cash paid Jacob ENLOW - 6 shillings Cash paid John GONTERMAN - 12 shillings Cash paid John WILLIAM 9 shillings Cash paid William HACK (?) 15 shillings 45 pounds salt paid Samuel PATTON 12 shillings nine dollars paid Mr. LEE 2 pounds 14 shillings cash paid Adm (?) HACK (?) by Thomas McKEE 2 pounds 10 shillings One Mare that got killed before the appraisement bill was returned to court 20 pounds to cash paid for recording a will 6 shillings cash paid the appraisors 9 shillings cash paid the commissioners 18 shillings To my trouble 1 pound 10 shillings 4 pence Recorded 20 Oct 1803 Hardin Co. KY by commissioners JACOB ENLOW and NICHOLAS MILLER, SARAH FRAKES Administratrix of the estate. Hardin Co. KY Will Book C p. 49 We the undersigned commissioners appointed by the County Court aforesaid in obedience to the order of Court to us directed met at the late dwelling House of ISOM ENLOWS dec’d on 28 Feby & the first day of March 1817 & proceeded to lot and lay off to MARY ENLOWS widow of ISOM ENLOWS dec’d her right of Dower of the tract of land on which the s’d ENLOWS died ceased & posessed of as follows: Beginning at three several sycamores standing on the East bank of Nole Lynn Corner to JAMES LARUE ... including the late dwelling house of s’d ENLOWS dec’d Containing 125 acres also proceeded to lay of to the said MARY ENLOWS the one third part of the slaves owned by ISOM ENLOWS at his decease & do give to the said MARY ENLOWS Widow of ISOM ENLOWS one Negro Woman named LUCY and her youngest child named MARIAH as her one Equal part of afs’d. (signed) JOSEPH TODD WM. CESSNA L.( S?) MARTIN with the notation “There being four Negro Boys in dispute that we have not taken into consideration at all” Returned 13 May 1817 and recorded 29 July 1817 Hardin Co. KY Court