WILL: Col. Aaron Hart, 1846, Hardin Co., KY ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Larry Hart June 12, 1999 ==================================================================== Will of Col. Aaron Hart Hardin Co., KY, Will Book E, Page 167 In the name of God Amen. I Aaron Hart of the County of Hardin and State of Kentucky being in good health and of sound mind and disposing memory but being advanced in years and knowing the uncertainty of life and the great certainty of death do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking annulling and setting at naught all and every will or wills heretofore made by me. First - It is my will and desire that after my exit from time to eternity that my remains shall be interred in the family burying ground in a decent and becoming manner and that the necessary expenses incured thereby shall be paid immediately thereafter. 2nd - It is my will and desire that all my just debts and liabilities be paid as soon as practicable. 3rd - It is my will and desire that my beloved wife Mary Hart shall reside on the home farm on which I now live during her natural life or widowhood and that my unfortunate daughter Katherine Hart be entitled to live with her during that time and to have her support from the place and the property which I shall leave my wife for their mutual support and maintenance. I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife any two of the negroes I may die possessed of during her natural life or widowhood for the support of herself and my said daughter Katherine together with two good horses two ploughs and gearing sufficient to run 2 single or one double plough also two bedsteads under beds, beds and bedding also the cupboard. Cupboard ware and one half the kitchen furniture and cooking utensils. One woman saddle bridle and blanket one axe two hoes two cows and calves six head of sheep and all the poultry that may be on the place also one years provision for the support of my wife and family and the stock left to her by this will, the selection of the two negroes aforesaid and other property left to my wife as aforesaid to be selected by her at the time or as shortly after my death as convenient and in the event my that my daughter Katherine should live longer than my wife my desire is that she should with one of her married sisters and the two negroes which may be selected by my wife at my death is to belong to my said daughter Katherine for her support during her natural life to be hired out by my executors hereinafter named for that purpose and at the death of my wife and daughter the two negroes so kept by them to revert to my two daughters Mary Oldridge and her heirs and to Milly Buckles and her heirs forever together with the increase of said negroes should there be any, my wife is also to have one half of the household furniture. 4th - I give and bequeath to my grand children towit Henry Hart Eliza Hart Clarinda Hart Katherine Hart Jane Hart and Emily Hart children of my oldest son Iredell Hart (who has departed this life) one hundred and fifty dollars to be equally distributed among them having heretofore through lifetime of the said Iredell advanced to him the sum of $1145 and should there not be property enough or money belonging to my estate after complying with the requisite of this will in that event the negroes belonging to my estate with the exception of the two devised to the use of my wife and daughter Katherine of aforesaid to be hired out by my executors hereinafter named until the said sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be paid to the said heirs of said Iredell Hart deceased. 5th - I give and bequeath to my widowed daughter Mary Oldridge and her heirs a tract of land lying and being in the county of Hardin and on which she now resides and bounded as follows (towit) Beginning at three post oaks a stone marked A.H and a crooked black oak running thence North 85 West 214 poles through the barren field to two maples two burches and an elm on the bank of Nolin running thence down Nolin with its several meanders to an elm and white oak corner to Coln Harts survey on the upper end of a bluff and about 40 or 50 yards from Nolin thence running East 72 poles to a black oak red oak and white oak corner to Coln Harts and James Anderson surveys then the same course continued 38 poles to a stone near and old black lime kiln thence South 35 poles to post oak thence East 36 poles to a white oak thence same course continued 98 poles to Abraham Harts and Robert Buckles corner a black oak on the original line said Larues survey thence due North to the beginning. I also give and bequeath to my said daughter Mary Oldridge and her heirs forever one equal half of the xxxx of which I may die possessed with the exception of the two negroes heretofore given to my wife and daughter Katherine for their support during their lives and at the death of my wife and daughter Katherine said two negroes with their increase should there be to be equally divided between the said Mary Oldridge and Milly Buckles and their heirs after their death. 6th - I give and bequeath unto my grand children towit Ann Maria Aaron & John Hart children of my son Joseph Hart who lately departed this life the following tract or parcel of land. Beginning at three post oaks a stone mark AH and a crooked black oak in Campbells line running thence due North to Nolin Robert Buckles corner on a bluff above Kings mill thence down Nolin with its’ several meanders to a sycamore marked as a corner near the canoe landing thence crossing Nolin to a black oak and white oak at the head of the 2 springs both of which trees are cut down and a stone marked AH which was the beginning corner of the old survey of Aaron Hart, of part of said land running thence South 72 West 6 poles to a stake thence with the meanders of the Nolin at high water mark to the place at which Scotts line joins Nolin at a crooked black oak marked as a line tree on the bank of the Nolin thence crossing Nolin and meandering down Nolin until it reaches two maples two burches and an elm on the bank of the Nolin running thence South 85 East 204 poles through the barren field to three post oaks a crooked black oak a stone marked AH the beginning in Campbell’s line which tract of land or that part on which the said Joseph Hart resided at the time of his death is to be rented out for cash rent for the benefit of raising and educating my said grand children by my executors hereinafter named and at the death of my wife they are in a like manner to have the rent of the farm on which I now live and should it so happen that the said Joseph Hart now deceased should have another heir in that event he or she as the case may be is to have an equal portion of the land hereby transfered to the heirs of the said Joseph in the same manner and in the same right of the other heirs, the division of the said land shall take place when the oldest heir of the said Joseph shall arrive at the age of twenty one years. 7th - I give and bequeath to my daughter Milly Buckles and her heirs the following property towit one half of the negroes of which I may die possessed with the exception of the two negroes given my wife and daughter during their lives at their death the two negroes aforesaid with their increase if they have any is to be divided between the said Milly Buckles and Mary Oaldridge and their heirs the negroes first named in this bequest to be divided between them at my death and Isaac Hart, Thomas Runnels and Richard Percefull or any two of them is hereby appointed to make division of said slaves according to this will. 8th - Whereas I have heretofore towit on the 26th day of January 1829 mad a deed of gift to my daughter Louisa Lambert of two hundred acres of land lying on the Nolin on which Hugh Lambert her husband now lives and my said daughter having departed this life it is my will and desire that said land be for the use and benefit of the heirs of the said Jane Lambert towit Sarah Jane Lambert and Cyndicy Lambert which is in full of their portion of my estate. 9th - It is also my will and desire that all the remaining estate not heretofore disposed of by this will should there be any both real and personal shall be sold by my executors upon twelve months credit and if any part thereof remains after paying my debts and liabilities and bequests of this will to be equally divided amongst all my heirs. I hereby appoint my nephew Isaac Hart and Thomas Runnels executor of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I the said Aaron Hart hath hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this eight day of March In the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and forty six. Signed sealed and Aaron Hart acknowledged in presence of William K. Hart William F. Oaldridge Rich Percefull At a county court began and held for Hardin County at the court house in Elizabethtown on Monday the 19th day of February 1849 The foregoing instrument writing purporting to be the true last will and testament of Aaron Hart deceased was produced in court by ?.J. Reynolds one of the executors therein named and proven in due form of law by the oaths of William K. Hart and William F. Oaldridge two of the subscribing witnesses thereto to be the true last will and testament of Aaron Hart deceased and the same was established and ordered to be recorded, Whereupon I have truly recorded the same in office this 1st day of March 1849. Sam’l Haycraft Clk. 12 Jun 1999 - Transcribed by Larry R. Hart (monitored and supervised by his wife, Gena Mae) 27 Settlers Pt. Athens, IL 62613