Harrison-Nicholas County KyArchives Deed.....Moreland, James - Whaley, Caleb November 5, 1879 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carrie Eldridge eldridge1@zoomnet.net February 2, 2008, 9:34 pm Written: November 5, 1879 Recorded: March 30, 1880 Note Grantees - James Moreland and W.H. Thomas Note Grantors - Caleb and Elizabeth Whaley and John J. and Nannie McClintock This indenture made and entered into this November 5th AD 1879 by and between Caleb Whaley and Elizabeth Whaley his wife, John J. McClintock and Ninnis McClintock his wife of the County of Harrison and State of Kentucky of the first part and James Moreland and W.H. Thomas of Nicholas County - state aforsaid. Witnesseth That the said first party for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred sixty-seven dollars to Elizabeth Whaley paid and secured to be paid. Two hundred eighty-three & 50/100 dollars of which amount has this day been paid and the like sum of Two hundred eighty-three and 50/100 dollars is to be paid Nov. 5th 1880 Evidenced by the promissory note of said James Moreland and W. H. Thomas for Two hundred eighty-three and 50/100 dollars payable to Elizabeth Whaley. have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain sell and convey to the said James Moreland and W.H. Thomas all that tract of land on water Indian Creek Harrison County - Ky bounded as follows. Beginning at two oak trees corner to Hardin, Thence N 23 1/2 E 69 poles to a stone: thence N 24 E 61 poles to a stone corner to Raburn: thence S 74 1/2 E 24 1/2 poles to a stone corner to McKee: thence S 25 1/2 W 90 poles to a stone: thence S 20 1/4 W 42 poles to a stone: N 68 3/4 W 24 poles to the beginning containing 18 9/10 acres. To have and to hold the said James Moreland and W. H. Thomas, their heirs and assigns forever, subject to a lein for part of the purchase money that may at any time remain unpaid, together with covenants of general warranty. Witness the hands of the said first party day and year above written. Nancy J. McClintock John J. McClintock C.S. Whaley Elizabeth Whaley State of Kentucky Harrison County I Perry Wherritt clk of Harrison County Court do hereby certify that this deed from C.S. Whaley & c. to Moreland and Thomas was produced to me in my office on the 5th of Dec. last and acknowledged by John McClintock and Nancy J. his wife to be their act and deed and on the 22nd of Dec. last was lodged for Record, which together with this certificate is done this 30th day of Mch 1880 P. Wherritt, clk. Deed Book 44 page 167 Harrison Co. KY This indenture made this 26th day of May 1881 between James Moreland and Martha Jane his wife the first party and Wm. H. Thomas the second party both of Harrison County Kentucky Witness, that for the consideration of three hundred dollars in hand paid the party of the first part sells and by this presents conveys to the second party one undivided half of the following tract of land lying on the waters of Indian Creek in the County and State aforesaid. Bounded as follows, Beginning at two oak trees corner to Harding the N 23 1/2 E 69 poles to a stone: thence N 24 E 61 poles to a stone corner to Raburn: thence S 74 1/2 # 24 1/2 poles to a stone corner to McKee: thence S 25 1/ W 90 poles to a stone: thence S 20 1/2 W 42 poles to a Stone: thence N 68 3/4 W 24 poles to the beginning containing 18 9/10 acres. To have and to hold the undivided one half of the land hereby conveyed to the said Second party his heirs and assigns with covenants of General Warranty Given under my hand this date first above written. James Moreland Martha J. Moreland State of Kentucky Harrison County I Perry Wherritt clk of the Harrison County Court do certify that this deed from James Moreland and Martha J. his wife to William H. Thomas was produced to me in my office on the 26th of May last, and acknowledged by Jas. Moreland to be his act and deed, and again on the 12th (---) and acknowledged by Martha J. his wife to be her act and deed, and on last date lodged for record which is done this 16th day of August 1882. P. Wherritt clk. by Thos. Wherritt D.C. Additional Comments: W.H. Thomas married Alice Moreland daughter of James and Martha Jane Moreland File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/harrison/deeds/whaley441gdd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/