Harrison County KyArchives News.....News Excerpts June 8, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Doug Harper http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00012.html#0002839 February 13, 2005, 9:21 am Cynthiana Democrat Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 1 Col. 1 The Galt House, Louisville's famous old hostelry, will be closed permanently June 10, 1911. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 1 Col. 4 Deaths Mrs. Louisa Fisher, widow of J. W. Fisher, died today. She was Miss Louisa Jett and was born in Bracken Co. Would have been 75 in August. Married J. W. Fisher who died in 1890. One daughter, Mrs. Nels Martin, in 1887. Buried in Battle Grove. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 2 Col. 4 Connersville Mary Petty, age 2, daughter of John Petty died in Georgetown of typhoid. Buried in Beard's Cem. Kelat Daughter of Chess Hill died of diphtheria. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 3 Col. 1 Claysville Maud Taylor returned after a week with her aunt, Mrs. Jed Bradford, and family beyond Sunrise. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 3 Col. 3 Adjoining Counties Robertson Co. Mrs. Elizabeth Poe died near Shannon aged 79 years. Bourbon Co. James Douglas, a negro boy, aged about 13 years was drowned in Stoner at the mouth of Kennedy's Creek while bathing. Nicholas Co. H. B. Sampson age 87, died and was buried in Ellisville Cem. "Uncle Neddy" Pryor died age 87 died and buried in Ellisville Cem. Pendleton Co. Alvadora Pribble died near Pleasant Hill in Pendleton Co. on 27 May 1911 aged 67. Mrs. Evalyn May Spencer, age 29, wife of William E. Spencer, died Tuesday 30 May 1911. Daughter of G. W. Scott. Born 14 Feb 1872 in Bracken Co. Mrs. Harry Thrasher, age 70, died 19 May near Gainsville, TX. Native of Pendleton Co. Survived by husband and four children. Sister of Mrs. Sarah Mullins of Falmouth. Scott Co. Dr. Harry Caseldine, 29, died at Silver city, NM from TB. Robert Smith, 55, killed by an interurban car. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 4 Col. 2 Oddville Mrs. Richard Lynam of Carlisle was the guest of her niece, Mrs. Walter Whitaker last week. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 8 Jun 1911 Vol. 43 No. 37 Pg. 7 Col. 2 School Census Education district 2. Dr. B. G. Gillespie, chairman, Berry, KY, Early Cummins, Sec. Boyd KY No. 1 Boyd 116 No. 2 Antioch 45 No. 3 Richland 56 No. 4 Avena 54 No. 5 New Curry 47 No. 6 Eureka Abolished No. 7 Kelat 87 No. 8 Robinson 59 No. 9 Sunrise 58 No. 10 Claysville 69 No. 11 Berry 147 No. 12 Worrell 40 No. 13 Taylor 43 No. 14 Mt. Pleasant 50 No. 15 Conrey 75 No. 16 Beaver Valley 62 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/harrison/newspapers/gnw315newsexce.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/