Harrison County KyArchives News.....News Excerpts August 31, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ky/kyfiles.html ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Doug Harper http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00012.html#0002839 March 2, 2005, 8:33 pm Cynthiana Democrat Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 31 Aug 1911 Vol. 43 No. 49 Pg. 1 Col. 3 Deaths Mrs. Amanda Jane McCauley, wife of Squire John T. McCauley, died at their home in Cynthiana Wednesday. Daughter of J. W. Skillman, of Bourbon Co. and was born 15 Aug 1839 near North Middletown. Her father died a comparatively short time ago at the age of 99. She was married twice. First to Columbus Holt. Two sons by this union survive, John Holt of Cynthiana, and Owen Holt of San Antonio, New Mexico. About 40 years ago Mrs. Holt married J. T. McCauley, who survives with the following children: Dow McCauley, Beaver Baptist; Harry McCauley, of Cynthiana; Mrs. Luther Mastin, of Beaver Baptist; Mrs. Harry Maffett and Miss Nancy McCauley of Cynthiana. Several brothers survive: John and A. J. Skillman of Bourbon Co.; Charles Skillman, Alabama; Richard and Ben Skillman of New Mexico. Burial in Battle Grove. Mrs. Isaac Chancelor, of near Millersburg died on operating table in Lexington hospital. Age 70. Mrs. Anna Webster Helm, widow of Charles J. Helm, died at her home in Newport, KY Sunday. Buried in Evergreen Cem. Mrs. Helm is survived by two sons: Charles J. And Webster Helm and two sisters, Mrs. Sam’l Bigstaff and Mrs. Kate W. Victor, of Cynthiana. Mrs. Margaret Maloney, sister of Father P. M. Jones of Maysville, formerly of this city, died in Covington, Saturday. Harry McCauley Swinford, infant son of Virgil Swinford, died Friday. Age little over 5 months. Burial in Battle Grove. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 31 Aug 1911 Vol. 43 No. 49 Pg. 4 Col. 2 Kelat Born to wife of Abe L. Hardin, the evening of the 25th. Inst a daughter. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 31 Aug 1911 Vol. 43 No. 49 Pg. 4 Col. 3 Two Lick Born to Joe Kimbrough and wife a son. Cynthiana Democrat Thurs 31 Aug 1911 Vol. 43 No. 49 Pg. 5 Col. 4 Sylvandell Eugene Whitaker, died 14 Aug in Sylvandell at age 48. Leaves three brothers and one sister: Miss Lucy of Cynthiana, Dick of Kelat, George of Sylvandell and John of Oddville. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ky/harrison/newspapers/gnw339newsexce.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/kyfiles/