DEED: Simon Hancock to children, 1806, Henry Co KY File contributed by: Donald King Know All men by these presents that I Simon Hancock of the County of Henry and State of Kentucky for and inconsideration of the Natural love and Affection which I bear to my Children hereafter Named Towit; Polly Foster Hancock Patsy Hancock Thomas Hancock Jensy Hancock & Emily Hancock of the County and State aforesaid ..... as for the further Consideration of One Dollar - to me in hand paid by each of the said Polly Thomas Jensey Patsy and Emily at and before .... in sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have givan and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Polly Foster Hancock Thomas Hancock Jensy Hancock Patsy Hancock and Emily Hancock their Executors Administrators and afsigns the following Negro Slaves that is to say Milly Davy Abraham Grace Lucy Salls Lett Harvy and Washington together with all the increases of the Families hereafter which said Negro Slaves together with their future increase after my death are to be equally divided said amongst my ^ Children above Mentioned, and if my Wife Patsy Hancock Should have any more children before my decease or be pregnant at my decease then and in that Case the before mentioned Negro Slaves and their Increase if any to be Equally divided amongst the aforementioned Children and those hereafter born of my said Wife to them and their heirs forever. To Have and To Hold the aforementioned Slaves unto them the said Polly Foster Hancock Jensy Hancock Thomas Hancock Patsy Hancock and Emily Hancock and any other of my.. Children that may be hereafter born of my present wife Patsy Hancock to be Equally divided among them and in Case one or more of my said Children Should die as aforesaid without Ifsue lawfully begotten them and in that Case the part of such deceased Child or Children is to be divided among the surviving Children their heirs Executors & Adminors and afsigns and I the said Simon Hancock for myself my heirs Executor and Administrators the aforesaid negro slaves together with their future Increase unto the said Polly Foster Hancock Thomas Hancock Jensey Hancock Patsy Hancock & hereafter Emily Hancock and any other of my aforesaid Children ^ born of my aforesaid wife Patsy Hancock as aforesaid ______ if any then Should be to them and their heirs Exors or claims Admnors and afsign against the Claim ^ of all and every person or persons Whatsoever Shall and Will warrant and forever defend by these presents In Witnefs Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 14th Day of March Eighteen hundred & six and in the 14th year of the Commonwealth. Teste ...... Bartlett Simon Hancock (seal) ....... ........... Henry County Clerks Office 17th March 1806 The foregoing Deed of Gift from Simon Hancock To his aforesaid Children was Presented to me in my Office Acknowledged by said Simon Hancock party therto to be his Act & Deed & Admitted to Record Copy Att. Row'd Thomas CCl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.