Jessamine County KyArchives Biographies.....Brown, William 1839 - 1890 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 6, 2007, 10:26 pm Author: Bennett H. Young William Brown. William Brown, the youngest son of George I. Brown, was born in Nicholasville on the 23d of May, 1839; he died June 1, 1890. He was a man of brilliant parts. He allied himself with the Republican party, and attained a high place in its councils. Senator James B. Beck said of him that he was the strongest man of his party with whom he had ever come in contact. He was a warm, personal friend of James G. Blaine, who had a great admiration for his talents and his ability. His mind was analytic, comprehensive and logical. At school he did not appear to study as other boys, but he always knew his lessons and fully understood every subject of which the text books treated. He was fearless and on many occasions eloquent Had he devoted himself to the law, his chosen profession, rather than to have entered the domain of politics, he would have become one of the first jurists of the country. Additional Comments: Extracted from: A HISTORY OF JESSAMINE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO 1898. By BENNETT H. YOUNG, PRESIDENT POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY; MEMBER FILSON CLUB; MEMBER CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1890; AUTHOR HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF KENTUCKY, OF "BATTLE OF BLUE LICKS, ETC, ETC. S. M. DUNCAN, ASSOCIATE AUTHOR. Every brave and good life out of the past is a treasure which cannot be measured in money, and should be preserved with faithfullest care. LOUISVILLE, KY.: COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING CO., 1898. File at: This file has been created by a form at