Jessamine County KyArchives Biographies.....Crockett, Joseph B. 1808 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 6, 2007, 7:57 pm Author: Bennett H. Young Joseph B. Crockett. In 1808, Joseph B. Crockett was born at Union Mills, on Hickman creek, A short while after, his father removed to Logan county, and there the son attended a classical school. In 1827 he entered the University of Tennessee, at Nashville, but in consequence of the straitened pecuniary condition of his father, he was compelled to leave the University after one year. He studied law at Hopkinsville with Governor Morehead. In 1830 he formed a partnership with Gustavus A. Henry, which after two years, was dissolved. In 1833, he was elected to the legislature, where, at once, his talents and his industry gave him a high stand. He was again elected to the legislature in 1836, to fill a vacancy, and shortly after this he was appointed Commonwealth's Attorney by Governor Clark. His career as a prosecutor was brilliant and able, but the duties of the office were uncongenial; his talents led him to prefer the defense rather than the prosecution, and he soon established a reputation for being one of the ablest criminal lawyers ever known in Kentucky. In 1840, he removed to St. Louis, Mo., where a most brilliant success crowned his career, but, his health giving way, in 1852 he settled in California, and in a little while found himself in the very front rank of the bar in that state. His kindness of heart and his generous courtesy secured for him the highest popularity. Upon the death of Judge Shapter, of the Supreme Court of California, Mr. Crockett was appointed to fill the unexpired term. He held the place of Chief Justice for twelve years and retired in 1880-the result of infirmity produced by advanced years. He was regarded by the people of California as one of the most brilliant, able and distinguished judges who ever sat on the bench of the Supreme Court. Additional Comments: Extracted from: A HISTORY OF JESSAMINE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO 1898. By BENNETT H. YOUNG, PRESIDENT POLYTECHNIC SOCIETY; MEMBER FILSON CLUB; MEMBER CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1890; AUTHOR HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTIONS OF KENTUCKY, OF "BATTLE OF BLUE LICKS, ETC, ETC. S. M. DUNCAN, ASSOCIATE AUTHOR. Every brave and good life out of the past is a treasure which cannot be measured in money, and should be preserved with faithfullest care. LOUISVILLE, KY.: COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING CO., 1898. File at: This file has been created by a form at